Top 14 Apps Like Hear U Body for iOS and Android
Looking for apps like Hear U Body? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. Hear U Body alternatives are mostly medical Apps but may also be health & fitness Apps.
There are 14 apps similar to Hear U Body available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. Hearing Aid is the best alternative. Other Hear U Body like apps are Heart Pro III, Hearty - Blood Pressure Tracking App, Amazing Human Body Facts, Quiz, and Body Temperature App For Fever. All of the best 2025 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.
Hear U Body Alternative Apps

Hearing Aid
Did you ever have the frustrating experience, that you wanted to follow a conversation in a crowded, noisy place but you couldn't due to the ambient noise? Then the Hearing Aid will make your life much more comfortable!

Heart Pro III - iPhone
This app will not work on 3GS iPhones. 3D4Medical in collaboration with Stanford University School of Medicine present the Heart Pro III.

Hearty - Heart Health Monitor - Blood Pressure Tracking App
Join users on the journey to better manage heart disease and discover how tracking symptoms can make a big difference in becoming happier and healthier.

Amazing Human Body Facts, Quiz
The Amazing Human Body Facts ,Quiz(Encyclopedia) application is a simple educational quick reference app that The Amazing Human Body Facts ,Quiz Edition is the go-to anatomy reference app for healthcare professionals, students, and professors.

Body Temperature App For Fever - Thermometer Tracker + Checker
Estimate your body temperature, log and track your data, making it easier to spot potential fever symptoms—all without a thermometer!

Everybody's Guide to Psych Med - Animated and easy-to-use
This mental health guide looks and runs like a VIDEO GAME. But it is not a game - it is a real clinical tool based on FDA data and has over 50 references from the world's leading medical and mental health scientific journals.
Best Medical Apps Like Hear U Body

LA COMMUNAUTÉ DES CITOYENS SAUVETEURS DES SAMU Application dédiée à l’urgence vitale entièrement GRATUITE (sans publicité et sans achats intégrés).

Food & Drink Carb Counter - Info for Diabetics / Diabetes
Managing meals as a diabetic can be hard and frustrating at times. No longer, if you can make use of a proper meal planner.

CMA Smart Exam Prep + - Smart Practice Test & Study
CMA Smart Prep combines great content with a proven, methodical study system. We are here to help you prepare and pass your AAMA board exam.

Bezplatná oficiálna aplikácia Ministerstva zdravotníctva SR, Ministerstva investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie SR, Národného centra zdravotníckych informácií a Úradu verejného zdravotníctva SR, ktorá ukladá certifikáty a pomáha s ich overovaním pri cestovaní alebo návšteve obchodov, služieb a iných zariadení.
Best Health & Fitness Apps Like Hear U Body

Runkeeper – GPS-Lauf-Tracker - Running App and Training Plans
Reach your running goals with the ASICS Runkeeper™ app.

Safe365 - Eldercare App - Connect and locate your family
Durcal is the family tracker to find your relatives' location and take care of the seniors, always with mutual consent. From now on, with your subscription, get a smartband with GPS locator for free!

Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra är en enkel, effektiv och behaglig form av avslappning/meditation utvecklad av den moderna yogamästaren Swami Satyananda Saraswati (1923-2009).

ithlete Train.Recover.Perform - HRV guided athletic training
An excellent tool for gauging workout intensity...

Relax Melodies P: Sleep Sounds - White Noise & Fan
Take back control of your sleep with Relax Melodies and join our community of millions that sleep better every day. Featured in People magazine, Mashable and many more.

Dagliga droppar mindfulness
*** En av de bästa mindfulnessapparna enligt Free (2012) *** "En bra samling kortare övningar. Den lugna rösten som guidar levererar." Tidningen Free (Nr 5, 2012)