Top 15 Apps Like iFarmaci Base for iOS and Android
Looking for apps like iFarmaci Base? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. IFarmaci Base alternatives are mostly medical Apps but may also be health & fitness Apps.
There are 15 apps similar to IFarmaci Base available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. iFarmaci by infofarmnet is the best alternative. Other IFarmaci Base like apps are iMieiFarmaci by andrea-isidori, iFarmaci Home, iFarmaci Premium, and Acid by itdcs-ltd. All of the best 2024 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.
IFarmaci Base Alternative Apps
iFarmaci è il prontuario di riferimento per iOS e Mac OS. Fornisce informazioni aggiornate su una vasta gamma di farmaci, compresi quelli ospedalieri, specialistici e veterinari.
iFarmaci è il prontuario di riferimento per iOS e Mac OS. Fornisce informazioni aggiornate su una vasta gamma di farmaci, compresi quelli veterinari.
iFarmaci Home
iFarmaci è il prontuario di riferimento per iOS e Mac OS. Fornisce informazioni aggiornate su una vasta gamma di farmaci, compresi quelli veterinari.
iFarmaci Premium
iFarmaci è il prontuario di riferimento per iOS e Mac OS.
Acid-Base Calculator
This application has been developed to facilitate the quantitative approach to acid-base interpretation at the bedside.
ABG Pro Acid Base Calculator - Arterial Blood Gas & Anion Gap
ABG Pro can help you diagnose acid base disorders based on the arterial blood gas analysis.
ICD Offline Database - ICD Codes converter
ICD Offline Database is an app that lets you access the complete list of ICD9 and ICD10 codes on your iOS device.
Best Medical Apps Like IFarmaci Base
DART Sim Remote
Now you can control your DART Sim iPad app with your iPhone, another iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch! ***Compatible only with DART ECG & Defib Simulator.
Cестринское дело тест
Тестовые задания для проведения первого этапа первичной аккредитации специалистов со средним профессиональным образованием по специальности 34.02.01 Сестринское дело Данный тест - тренажёр, так сказать репетиционный экзамен, в который входит 60 вопросов, на них необходимо ответить за 60 минут, сформированных из перечня тестовых заданий первого этапа первичной аккредитации специалистов со средним профессиональным образованием по специальности сестринское дело (34.02.01).
Prime Sleep Recorder - Sleep Talk & Snoring Recorder
Wake up better and explore the secrets of your sleep! :-) ANALYZE YOUR SLEEP, enjoy restful mornings and get sleep metrics summary.
LA COMMUNAUTÉ DES CITOYENS SAUVETEURS DES SAMU Application dédiée à l’urgence vitale entièrement GRATUITE (sans publicité et sans achats intégrés).
Best Health & Fitness Apps Like IFarmaci Base
Stark Stretch
Optimise your results with Stark Stretch! - Be inspired by 83 exercises presented in sharp HD video.
Calories minute - Calories, vitamins & minerals
Losing weight while staying in great shape has never been easier! Quickly count your calories, and deduct your energy expenditures (activities) to find out how much calories you have stored or burned today.
Headspace: Sleep & Meditation - Mental Health and Mindfulness
Welcome to Headspace, your lifelong guide to mental health, mindfulness, and meditation.
Daily Ab Workout - Abs & Core Personal Trainer
Your own personal trainer wherever you are! FEATURES: • Three different 5 to 10 minute ab-sculpting workouts • Great for both men and women