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Top 16 Apps Like iMieiFarmaci for iOS and Android

Looking for apps like iMieiFarmaci? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. IMieiFarmaci alternatives are mostly medical Apps but may also be health & fitness Apps.

There are 16 apps similar to IMieiFarmaci available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. Farmaci d'Urgenza is the best alternative. Other IMieiFarmaci like apps are iFarmaci by infofarmnet, iFarmaci Home, iFarmaci Premium, and iFarmaci Base. All of the best 2024 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.

IMieiFarmaci Alternative Apps

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Farmaci d'Urgenza

Medical | First release: July 21, 2022

Every physician keeps in his pocket the therapeutic scheme for the more frequently utilized drugs. However, the calculation of the infusion rate can be time expensive and easily generates errors!

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Medical | First release: July 20, 2022

iFarmaci è il prontuario di riferimento per iOS e Mac OS. Fornisce informazioni aggiornate su una vasta gamma di farmaci, compresi quelli ospedalieri, specialistici e veterinari.

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iFarmaci Home

Medical | First release: July 21, 2022

iFarmaci è il prontuario di riferimento per iOS e Mac OS. Fornisce informazioni aggiornate su una vasta gamma di farmaci, compresi quelli veterinari.

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iFarmaci Premium

Medical | First release: December 04, 2020

iFarmaci è il prontuario di riferimento per iOS e Mac OS.

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iFarmaci Base

Medical | First release: January 26, 2024

iFarmaci è il prontuario di riferimento per iOS e Mac OS e fornisce informazioni aggiornate su una vasta gamma di farmaci, compresi quelli veterinari.

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Terapiù - farmaci e salute

Medical | First release: February 07, 2024

Non dimenticarti più le medicine e ricevi consigli utili sulla tua salute, usa TeraPiù - come fanno migliaia di utenti entusiasti!

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PharmAround Farmacie di turno

Medical | First release: February 11, 2024

NUOVA VERSIONE 2022!!! Stai cercando una farmacia vicino a te? Scarica PharmAround, l’app gratuita che ti permette di trovare velocemente e con facilità la farmacia di cui hai bisogno in TUTTA Italia.

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Cerca Farmacia

Medical | First release: April 25, 2024

Grazie a Cerca Farmacia, avrai la possibilità di trovare le farmacie sul territorio italiano, nel più breve tempo possibile.

Best Medical Apps Like IMieiFarmaci

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Visualize Healing with AJ - Andrew Johnson Meditation

Medical | First release: January 24, 2024

Use the power of guided meditation and mindfulness to be happier, stress free and able to overcome adversity.

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Instant ECG - Mastery of EKG - Electrocardiogram Rhythm Guide

Medical | First release: November 22, 2020

Instant ECG was designed as an ECG / EKG / Electrocardiogram guide for physicians, nurses, paramedics and other health care professionals. It is an excellent learning tool as well as a quick reference.

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MedicalTerms dictionaryE-C/C-E

Medical | First release: May 06, 2024

If your job involves English/Chinese words about Medical, maybe this application can help you to finish your work quickly and correctly, because it is an application running on iPhone/iPod Touch, not a heavy book, you can take it out, and look up your words quickly as long as you want to do.

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NEJM Image Challenge

Medical | First release: May 27, 2021

The NEJM Image Challenge App brings a popular online feature for medical professionals to the iPhone and iPod Touch.

Best Health & Fitness Apps Like IMieiFarmaci

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Planet Fitness Workouts - Workouts for everyone

Health & Fitness | First release: January 06, 2021

Welcome to the Planet Fitness App: The Gym in Your Pocket! Did you know the PF App has tons of free features everyone? It’s not just Planet Fitness members that can enjoy what the PF App has to offer!

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Runner's Log

Health & Fitness | First release: May 23, 2021

Runner's Log makes it very easy to track your running sessions, keeping a log of the distance and time taken for each run.

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ZenActivity - Workout & yoga interval timer

Health & Fitness | First release: December 19, 2021

ZenActivity is a beautifully designed workout timer that enables you to setup and save 5 individual routines, kriyas, meditations or workout.

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Brain Wave™ 35 Binaural Series - Focus Relax Meditate Sleep ‪™‬

Health & Fitness | First release: November 24, 2020

Advanced Binaural Brainwave Entrainment combined with Ambient Music, Nature Sounds, Other Audio Apps or your own iTunes Music.

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