![Player FM Podcast App icon](/img/apps/940568467/icon-apps-like-player-fm-podcast-app.jpg)
Top 15 Apps Like Player FM — Podcast App for iOS and Android
Looking for apps like Player FM — Podcast App? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. Player FM Podcast App alternatives are mostly news Apps but may also be entertainment Apps.
There are 15 apps similar to Player FM Podcast App available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. Pocket Casts: Podcast Player is the best alternative. Other Player FM Podcast App like apps are CCTV LIVE Camera & Player, Double Player for Music Pro, Listen2.AI, and Queue - One single auto-updated Queue. All of the best 2025 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.
Player FM Podcast App Alternative Apps
![App Icon](/img/apps/414834813/icon-apps-like-pocket-casts-podcast-player.jpg)
Pocket Casts: Podcast Player - Your favorite podcast player
Pocket Casts is the world's most powerful podcast platform, an app by listeners, for listeners. Our podcast player provides next-level listening, search and discovery tools.
![App Icon](/img/apps/1207200983/icon-apps-like-cctv-live-camera-player.jpg)
CCTV LIVE Camera & Player - LIVE Stream from CCTV's Global
You can watch LIVE CCTV Camera footage of your IP/CCTV camera with ease. Now, make your iPhone & iPad a CCTV control room to watch whats happening right now at your places.
![App Icon](/img/apps/648016624/icon-apps-like-double-player-for-music-pro.jpg)
Double Player for Music Pro
Double Player for Music is FREE today with AppGratis.com Listen to two different songs on your headphones with your friends or your girlfriend. On the train, plane or bus???
![App Icon](/img/apps/6477802531/icon-apps-like-listen2-ai-news-podcasts.jpg)
Listen2.AI - Breaking US & World News
In today's fast-paced world, staying informed is more important than ever. However, the sheer volume of information available can be overwhelming.
![App Icon](/img/apps/6639586996/icon-apps-like-queue-simple-podcasts.jpg)
Queue - Simple Podcasts - One single auto-updated Queue
Queue is the simplest podcast app out there. New episodes from your subscriptions automatically appear in one simple list, your Queue.
![App Icon](/img/apps/1485913772/icon-apps-like-wondery-discover-podcasts.jpg)
Wondery: Discover Podcasts - True Crime, History & more!
Enjoy free podcasts with Wondery, an Amazon company. Immerse yourself in a world where gripping stories and high-quality audio meet convenience.
![App Icon](/img/apps/1453684423/icon-apps-like-discover-press.jpg)
Discover Press - The press for every passion
This beautifully designed app delivers an amazing reading experience and even more possibilities to discover magazines and newspapers.
Best News Apps Like Player FM Podcast App
![App Icon](/img/apps/323863409/icon-apps-like-la-verdad.jpg)
LA VERDAD es la mejor forma de conocer al instante la actualidad de la Región de Murcia a través de una nueva experiencia interactiva con servicios exclusivos.
![App Icon](/img/apps/364868132/icon-apps-like-firenzeviola-it.jpg)
Ecco a voi l'applicazione che porta tutte le notizie del mondo viola sul tuo iPhone, iPod Touch ed iPad.
![App Icon](/img/apps/302079880/icon-apps-like-ifeltthat-earthquake.jpg)
iFeltThat Earthquake
Did you just experience an earthquake? Find out how close and how big it was with iFeltThat, the most customizable worldwide earthquake app for the iPhone and iPod touch.
![App Icon](/img/apps/378084979/icon-apps-like-fox-5-atlanta-news-alerts.jpg)
FOX 5 Atlanta: News & Alerts - Breaking News + Live Video
News doesn't wait, why should you? Take FOX 5 Atlanta everywhere you go!
Best Entertainment Apps Like Player FM Podcast App
![App Icon](/img/apps/553834731/icon-apps-like-candy-crush-saga.jpg)
Candy Crush Saga - Sugar Rush Match 3 Puzzle Game
Start playing Candy Crush Saga today – a legendary puzzle game loved by millions of players around the world.
![App Icon](/img/apps/1457794903/icon-apps-like-catching-a-cheater.jpg)
Catching a Cheater - Find the Evidence
●He is cheating on you● ~~the way to collect the evidence of affair.~~ Tap the item you think it’s proof of his affair.
![App Icon](/img/apps/530168168/icon-apps-like-paramount.jpg)
CBS - Full Episodes & Live TV - Live Sports, News & Originals
Welcome to A Mountain of Entertainment.
![App Icon](/img/apps/535176909/icon-apps-like-badland.jpg)
BADLAND - Award-winning action adventure
Fly and survive through the Game of the Year -winning action adventure BADLAND. Over 100 MILLION players and counting!