Top 14 Apps Like TXT Teletext for iOS and Android
Looking for apps like TXT Teletext? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. TXT Teletext alternatives are mostly news Apps but may also be utilities Apps.
There are 14 apps similar to TXT Teletext available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. Teletext by oxorr is the best alternative. Other TXT Teletext like apps are TELETEXT by admeira-broadcast-ag, Thai National Lottery, National Catholic Reporter, and National Geographic Italia. All of the best 2025 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.
TXT Teletext Alternative Apps

Teletext - Videotext
Teletext is a browser for the teletext service of European channels. Clear and brief news, sport results and much more.

Die wichtigsten News aus Politik und Wirtschaft, aktuelle Sportresultate, umfangreiche Finanzinformationen und vieles mehr gibt es auch fürs iPhone.

Thai National Lottery
Play the biggest lottery in Thailand from the palm of your hand!

National Catholic Reporter
Catholic news, analysis and spiritual reflections based on our mission of social justice. National Catholic Reporter is the leading source for independent news on the Catholic Church and the Vatican.

National Geographic Italia
L'app di National Geographic Italia è ora a portata di mano!

Radio France Internationale - The world and all its voices
Follow the latest international, French and African top stories and headlines thanks to our selection of articles, listen to live streaming and on-demand radio news and music programs.

Courrier international
La toute nouvelle version de notre application s’organise en cinq volets : • À la une. Découvrez la une éditée par la rédaction et les temps forts du moment, pour rester au plus près de l’actualité.

Onda Regional
¡Ya puedes disfrutar de la nueva app de Onda Regional de Murcia!

sh:z HÖRBAR – regionale News
Endlich eine News-App, die Deine Sprache spricht! sh:z HÖRBAR ist die Audio-App von shz.de, dem Nachrichtenportal des Schleswig-Holsteinischen Zeitungsverlags.
Best News Apps Like TXT Teletext

La Tribune
L'application La Tribune, c'est un accès direct à : • L'essentiel de l'information sélectionnée par notre rédaction.

95.5 Wsb
Listen live to Atlanta's news, weather and traffic station 24 hours a day. Also, get Eric Von Haessler on demand.

News Channel 5 Nashville - Local News, Weather, Sports
NewsChannel 5 Nashville gives you up-to-the-minute local news, breaking news alerts, 24/7 live streaming video, accurate weather forecasts, severe weather updates, and in-depth investigations from the local news station you know and trust.
Best Utilities Apps Like TXT Teletext

Ваш личный кабинет, который всегда под рукой.

Psiphon - The open-source VPN
Psiphon, the Internet Freedom VPN, securely connects you to your apps and sites.