16 Positive Benutzerbewertungen für Clear Spaces
Gute App aber
Ich bin ziemlicher Fan von der App, jedoch wird mir bei jedem Entsperren die Uhr kurz angezeigt obwohl ich ein leeres Feld hinzugefügt habe
Great Widget App, BUT….
All in all this is a Great Widget App, BUT what I would like to see is an extension for the iPad so that I can have exactly the same or at least a similar Home Screen setup on both iPad and iPhone
But other than that I couldn’t be more content with the app.
Therefore five out of five. Great job keep it up
iPhone 12 mini crashes randomly
Since installing every now and then iPhone is freezing and then restarting. Takes always about 30-60 seconds. Pretty sad as in general the app is very good. But due to crashes not useful for me.
Super gut
Alles funktioniert super aber leider stürzt die App ab wenn ich einen Text eingeben möchte sonst 👍
So far so good👍
5 stars, app works perfectly fine and does everything it should do. Except for the fine and Batterie. It doesn’t refresh on its own at all. Please fix that🙏 but other than that it’s a great app. No Labels too, looks good💪
Almost perfect
The only thing that’s missing is the implementation of a weather widget. Would love to see that in the future. Besides that, I love how the app makes my home screen look. Great job!
Won’t work properly with 1.15.2
Clear spaces was great but since the last iOS update the spaces are not exactly where they should be. Zoom mode is off of course
Good App, but..
It could be a phantastic app, if were more text-widgets avalible. At the moment its only one there - for differently pages on iPhone is this feature unusless. I hope, it will coming soon. The app is by a good way!
Good app but I miss IPad support
Title says it. It works great on my iPhone. I hope you get it working on iPad now that iPadOS 15 allows you to have widgets where you want them.
Super Sache leider aktualisiert sich die Uhr nicht
Die Widget Uhr zeigt leider nicht die richtige Zeit an.
Ansonsten eine super App.
Custom Fonts do not work in digital Clock
Great App,
but when you install your own fonts in iOS you can select them in the App, but then they are not displayed right on the Home Screen.
Time widget
I like this app a lot. Unfortunately the time is sometimes not right displayed.
Hey there. Love the app, but ...
I love the app, but the latest update added labels to the widgets. (I didn‘t had them before)
Is there a chance of removing them? (Maybe a setting or GitHub repository version?)
Great App
Thanks for getting rid of the Text. 👍🏼
2 Negative Benutzerbewertungen für Clear Spaces
Getting rid of text
Ok, nice idea etc. But with the label text useless. So if the label text is gone I would give higher rating, otherwise I spend 2 euros for a one time setup. So please find a way to get rid of this text!
Nette Idee ... aber wirklich gut ist das nicht!
Die Idee ist nett, aber da dort noch immer die Bezeichnung unter dem Widget zu sehen ist, ist es nicht sauber und schaut im Grunde total doof aus. Wenn ich das vorher gewusst hätte, hätte man ch das nicht gekauft.