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Discussion on Notability: Note-Taking App App for iOS & Android

Welcome to the Notability: Note-Taking App Forum! This is your go-to community for all things related to Notability: Note-Taking App, an education app developed by Ginger Labs, launched in April 2010 for iOS and Android platforms.

Our forum is dedicated to helping you find support and solutions, discuss strategies, share tips and tricks, and connect with other players. Join us now and be part of the Notability: Note-Taking App community!

Forum Rules

1. All content must be related to Notability: Note-Taking App or its community.
2. You cannot buy, sell, gift, or trade accounts here.
3. Only YouTube links are allowed; any content irrelevant to the Notability: Note-Taking App app is prohibited.

Explore the forum in other languages: Deutsch, Italiano, Español, and Français.

Notability: Note-Taking App Q&A and General Discussions

Don't be shy! It's an open forum for discussions, questions, and answers.

Connected as Sebastien100 (Change Username)
  • Kyle71
    12/02/24 05:44

    How do I place a web clip in a note?

  • Kyle71
    12/02/24 05:43

    Where did the + go that used to be in the top right bar when in a note?

  • Wilfred27
    13/10/23 08:41

    Twice now I had a note with highlighting, hand writing and typed info. All the typed info disappeared but the highlights and hand writing remained

  • Arthur45
    28/06/23 03:32

    Can you adjust opacity in a shape fill?

  • Emily99
    19/06/23 09:31

    End of subscription: can I continue to read my existing notes?

  • Gordon54
    17/02/23 12:41

    Happy to upload the form for open use. Not sure how to do that here.

  • Gordon54
    16/02/23 11:39

    I’ve prepared a PDF form with calculated fields as a template for my son to use at uni. How can I get those fields to work within Notability?

  • Toshie85
    01/02/23 11:30

    How can I get the Annual Subscription for Notability for free?

  • Beryl49
    01/01/23 07:04

    how do you update notability ?

  • Beryl49
    01/01/23 07:02

    come si aggiorna notability ?

  • Katrina95
    16/09/22 05:05

    Bonjour, mon fils dysgraphique rencontr

  • Ayumi82
    05/05/22 07:58

    I am facing difficulty in inserting space to be able to write

  • Ayumi82
    05/05/22 07:55

    How do I insert space notes prepared using Notability on iPad

  • Tanya27
    25/01/22 04:52

    Bonjour, j

  • Jeanne64
    28/08/21 09:29

    Que compras son necesarias dentro de la aplicaci

  • Isabel41
    23/08/21 10:20

    Can Notability tell me how to size margins?

  • Isidore73
    24/08/21 05:40

    I guess there's no way to determine our own margins on the page. Lame

  • Sebastien29
    12/07/21 02:48


  • 25/03/21 04:33

    Bonjour, j'essaye de partager un fichier PDF de ma cl

  • Iris46
    24/09/20 01:42

    notability sur iPad. Comment retravailler un texte word ou pdf, est il possible depuis notability de supprimer une ligne ou des mots pour les remplacer par du texte saisie manuelle qui sera transformée en fichier texte

Support and Help for Notability: Note-Taking App

We appreciate your visit to our forum! Whether you're here to report issues, discuss, or share your experiences, we value your input.

App Support

For direct support from the creators of Notability: Note-Taking App, please visit the Ginger Labs page. For any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us.

Cancel or Delete the App

If you would like to cancel your subscription or delete your account, please visit our Notability: Note-Taking App Cancel & Delete page for further instructions.

Thank you for being part of our community! 🙏😊

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