Ancient Battle: Rome Version History

Hunted Cow Studios Ltd.

Delve into the extensive archive of Ancient Battle: Rome APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 10 version histories collected since Nov 25, 2021. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of Ancient Battle: Rome.

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What's New in the Latest Version 3.0.4

Change: The bonus 'Graecia' Campaign is now available to all players without requiring an email registration.
Fix: Some sound effects not playing following the last update.

Ancient Battle: Rome APK Version History

Below is a list of APK file versions for Ancient Battle: Rome. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.

Ancient Battle: Rome v3.0.4
Ancient Battle: Rome v3.0.2
Fix: An issue with some background image not always appearing in the victory displays. Fix: Sometimes the game was not ending correctly in the 'Utica' mission.
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Ancient Battle: Rome v3.0.1
Fix: An issue with the image scaling of SD images." Update: Campaign map graphics. It is now clearer which campaigns have been selected and completed.
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Ancient Battle: Rome v2.4.5
Improved: The AI has received some updates.<br> Change: Some UI updates.
Ancient Battle: Rome v2.4.3
Fix: Units may sometimes have been unable to attack adjacent enemy huts or tents unless charging. Change: When a general ends alone in a hex adjacent to an enemy, after enemy shooting, it now evades if possible, or is destroyed.
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Ancient Battle: Rome v2.3.0
Fix: Some UI scaling issues fixed. Change: Added light infantry setting which allows light infantry to move through other units and other units to move through light infantry.
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Ancient Battle: Rome v2.2.0
Fix: Some issues locking/unlocking some In-App purchases.
Ancient Battle: Rome v2.1.0
Fix: Improved memory management.<br> Fix: Improved hex tile Positioning accuracy.
Ancient Battle: Rome v2.0.0
Fix: Could crash while loading on iPhone Xr. Change: iPhone and iPad: Major improvement to the map zoom feature (use two finger pinch to zoom in/out).", Changed: iPhone and iPad: The game is now optimised to used all the available screen space at the best screen resolution for each device.
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Ancient Battle: Rome v1.4

If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the Ancient Battle: Rome forum.