Summary Z-ChatBook & Summaries is a books app developed by Bookvitals APP SRL. The last update, v2.10, released on April 19, 2023, and it’s rated 4.46 out of 5 based on the latest 108 reviews. Summary Z-ChatBook & Summaries is FREE and requires iOS 13.0+ and Android 12 or newer to download.
Summary of books, with audio.
Video: Summary Z-ChatBook & Summaries Overview
Get ready for an extraordinary reading experience with SummaryZ! Our latest feature, ChatBook, allows you to chat with any book in the world, enhancing your learning process like never before.
How to Use Summary Z-ChatBook & Summaries on Your PC or Mac
Want to enjoy Summary Z-ChatBook & Summaries on your desktop? Download the latest APK (2.10, 156 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★★Great app to have if you want to store book electrically
Dear developer,
I am a very lazy person. So I want things work efficiently. I find out this app work efficiently among the bunch of scan apps on AppStore.
Great way to copy books. On iPad Pro, the screen size is not actually fit. Once the photo is taken from the book, there is a way to export texts through other apps. What I want hope is that I could export those texts into GoodNotes. It will save much time. I hope so. I hope you guys can corporate with GoodNotes or something like that to make
★★★★☆Great app but lacking export functionality
I love the features of the app - I’m surprised an app like this exists, with all the features I was looking for. But, it doesn’t let me export data (or maybe it does and I don’t know?) out of it so I can store it on a note taking web app to view on my computer. There is only one email address to give feedback and that seems to be a wrong one. Idk how else to give feedback.
★★☆☆☆Why can’t developers be smart?
What is the quote extends across two pages, front and back? Duh!
And why not, instead of cropping your picture to choose the text, which you always have to edit, allow the user to finger swipe the area I want to OCR.
Come on!
★★★★★Great app برنامج رائع
I like this app so much.
برنامج مفيد ورائع يمكنك من تسجيل مقتطفات قراءاتك وملاحظاتك..بحيث تستطيع الوصول لها بسهولة..بدل النسيان و تكون مثلي اقعد افكر انا قرات هالكتاب او لا ! هالفقرة الجميلة كانها مارة علي!..
I hope the programmers added converter to pdf for the highlights, ideas and quotes. That will be amazing.Thanks.
★★☆☆☆Do NOT flip for the reader!!!
This app is super annoying because it goes to the next page even if you’re not ready. I have students of all different reading levels and they all read at different speeds. Some of them take notes to help them retain what they read. There should not be an auto flip feature at all!! It’s very rude and annoying.