Calendar 366: Events & Tasks is a productivity app developed by Vincent Miethe. The last update, v2.10, released on October 15, 2024, and it’s rated 4.65 out of 5 based on the latest 513 reviews. Calendar 366: Events & Tasks costs $9.99 and requires iOS 15.0+ and Android 14 or newer to download.
For all your plans!
Video: Calendar 366: Events & Tasks Overview
For all your plans! "Conquer your calendar" - The Daily List (App Store)
"Our Favourite Apple Watch Apps" - Editor's Choice (App Store)
"My Must-Have iOS Apps" - Federico Viticci (
How to Use Calendar 366: Events & Tasks on Your PC or Mac
Want to enjoy Calendar 366: Events & Tasks on your desktop? Download the latest APK (2.10, 19 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★★BETTER than even Moleskin
I’ve tried what seems like all of the calendar apps, even Moleskin. Calendar 366 is the iPhone of them! As a paralegal and student, I used this app for everything- social calendar, financial calendar, health calendar, etc. and it’s been the best!!
★★★★☆Love the App but ….
I love the app and it’s a great calendar and the developer it’s very responsive but I had to uninstall due to constantly having issues with the time zone. Even that I am in the U.S.A East coast every time I add an appointment/ .ics it change my time zone and date and time of the appointment I thought it was the event it self but it doesn’t happen with the default calendar app.
★★★★★Excellent (Better) Fantastical Replacement
I cancelled my Fantastical subscription when they decided to double their subscription cost. I’m actually glad they did, so I was able to find Calendar 366!
I have severe ADHD and my entire life revolves around my digital calendar
I’m in love with this app! I immediately purchased it; it’s an excellent bargain.
The interface is clean and always functions.
Adding events is easy; syncs instantly across the platform.
It works well on Apple Watch (unlike Fantastical).
Thank you for making suc
★★★★☆Great alternative with some small issues
I really like this app - especially that it’s a one time purchase. One issue though is that the touch target for adding an event is too small. With a case on its very difficult to get the add an event page up. It should be a lot bigger and moved to the left a bit.
★★★★★Truly wonderful
No matter how many other calendar/reminder apps I try, Calendar 366 is the one I keep returning to. 366 is simply the best all around app of its type. It handles scheduling and to-dos without issue, receives regular updates, and has an attractive GUI that is intuitive and easy to read (not cramped). Recommended without hesitation.