Depop | Buy & Sell Clothing is a shopping app developed by Depop. The last update, v2.32, released on October 28, 2024, and it’s rated 4.80 out of 5 based on the latest 570K reviews. Depop | Buy & Sell Clothing is FREE and requires iOS 16.1.1+ and Android 15.1 or newer to download.
How to Use Depop | Buy & Sell Clothing on Your PC or Mac
Want to enjoy Depop | Buy & Sell Clothing on your desktop? Download the latest APK (2.32, 269 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★☆☆App gets stuck alot
Every time I sell something , if I go to the “sold” page to check on details of the sale etc. the app gets stuck there. No option to exit the page. It’s infuriating. I literally have to re- download the app every single time I make my way to the sold “Page” because there is no way out. Currently stuck right now. Ugh. Depop- fix this!!
I currently can not access ANYTHING because now the login online is stuck “thinking”. Over and over again. I re downlaoded the app now and its STILL going to the
★★★★★Cleaning my closet
My friend referred me .. I was going to throw away/donate items I no longer used … now, I am cleaning my closet for extra cash !!
★★★★★Favorite Place to Buy & Sell!
I love Depop and I am so glad I started selling my preloved clothes and items through here. The fees has gone up since I have started but otherwise, I have enjoyed using this platform to buy and sell unique items!
Exited to use the app but it’s not letting me add an address idk what’s going on
Please fix the freezing/glitching :( it’s been doing this for months and it makes it really frustrating to look through options, especially because it happens every 5 seconds