Dream Machine : The Game is a strategy puzzle game developed by GameDigits. The last update, v1.43, released on July 10, 2017, and it’s rated 3.92 out of 5 based on the latest 49 reviews. Dream Machine : The Game costs $1.99 and requires iOS 7.0+ and Android 6 or newer to download.
Dream Machine : The Game Gameplay Overview
"It’s a beautiful, memorable 3D puzzle game, and a premium one with no IAP to boot." - TouchArcade
"Dream Machine is Another Stunning Geometric Game" - Kotaku
"Seriously, Dream Machine is a great addition to any optical illusion puzzle game fan." - AppAdvice
Want to enjoy Dream Machine : The Game on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.43, 111 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
Its okay , works but not FB email , I want link with Game Center Global Pals
★★★★★Love it!
This is the best game I have next to Monument Valley! Challenging, a bit nerve-racking, and all around awesome! I don’t know if it’s my love for games like this, or if this game is just well created, but it is spectacular! I love the little robot, and how he just has bad luck in artificial life. I mean, getting fired, getting smashed and spiked, having to travel so far, and barely escaping the bosses alive! I love it!
★★★★★this is so epic
I like it I think it is so cool and fun puzzle game are you with me it is so cool right and I am good at it
★★★☆☆Tedious and destructive
Good puzzle design and graphics. But lacks heart, with relentless machines smashing g the robot character. Nothing to care about and no rewards. And there’s no way to go back and choose a level to repeat!
The game is awesome, but the interface and controls leave much to be desired. Some of the levels are difficult because the control over the robot and other elements are not super refined