Euclidean AUv3 Sequencer is a music app developed by Pocketscom. The last update, v1.10, released on May 28, 2024, and it’s rated 4.85 out of 5 based on the latest 27 reviews. Euclidean AUv3 Sequencer costs $12.99 and requires iOS 11.0+ and Android 10 or newer to download.
Automatic PolyRhythm Generator
Video: Euclidean AUv3 Sequencer Overview
Euclidean Sequencer is an alternative incarnation of the classic step sequencer that has become very popular in the modular realm.
How to Use Euclidean AUv3 Sequencer on Your PC or Mac
Want to enjoy Euclidean AUv3 Sequencer on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.10, 27 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★☆Seems perfect with room for more controls
For what it is, it’s worked well and sounded in the grid but able to sound far out in a way… I have never tried 4 different synths at once though. I also hope some more midi madness type effecting is welcome, hails!
★★★☆☆Too easy to mess up patterns !! Randomize button should reveal settings
Too easy to mess up patterns !! Randomize button should reveal settings not randomize everything your working on.
Clearly some real musicians need to help the creators of this with some workflow ideas
Fix the randomize button to ONLY pull up the settings… otherwise the default randomize breaks all your hard work
★★★★★Need to control both events and steps
Wonderful app, and I was very pleased when the dev said they would look at exposing *both* the events and steps to midi control. (I’m still not sure why these weren’t the first two things to become mappable.) as it is it’s great, but by not allowing control of both main parameters it kind of has one arm tied behind its back, so to speak.