Goddess Of Victory: Nikke is a role playing card game developed by Level Infinite. The last update, v125.80, released on September 19, 2024, and it’s rated 4.75 out of 5 based on the latest 53.5K reviews. Goddess Of Victory: Nikke is FREE and requires iOS 12.0+ and Android 11 or newer to download.
Immersive Sci-Fi RPG Shooter
Goddess Of Victory: Nikke Gameplay Overview
GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE is an immersive sci-fi RPG shooter game, where you recruit and command various maidens to form a beautiful anime girl squad that specializes in wielding guns and other unique sci-fi weapons.
How to Play Goddess Of Victory: Nikke on PC or Mac
Want to enjoy Goddess Of Victory: Nikke on your desktop? Download the latest APK (125.80, 353 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
Each update the game keep crashing even more. When i started playing, which was when the Laplace banner appear, i can play 10 battle in campaign, tribe towwer, simalutor or even all 3 daily entry in co-op event constantly before it got crashed but now not even half of any of them.
Came for the booty. Stayed for the story. 10/10 would feel depressed again.
Just me or when you get an update thing in the games and see the loading video do you just think that they would make an amazing anime
★★★★☆Pretty fun and good but I have 1 problem
The game is pretty good since you are able to kinda of keep up to p2w players as they have events pretty actively but you will hit a wall sooner or later but it just takes a few days to hit a snowball of either luck or strategy that helps you. One of my only problems is that fact my game crashes just randomly but I’m glad I don’t lose anything because of it.
★★★★☆Too much grind
This game was so good and knows it’s audience. The grind was just too much for me and I’m not paying for in-game stuff. I wish progression was easier for more people like me because I just can’t spend hours on a game like this. Enjoyed my time with it though.