ICatcher! Podcast Player is a news app developed by Joeisanerdcom. The last update, v8.20, released on May 31, 2024, and it’s rated 4.73 out of 5 based on the latest 1.8K reviews. ICatcher! Podcast Player costs $2.99 and requires iOS 16.4+ and Android 15.4 or newer to download.
Podcast Player
Video: ICatcher! Podcast Player Overview
Download, listen, watch and enjoy your favorite podcasts. FEATURES
• Subscribe to your favorite podcasts in the app and manage them in the app
• Download episodes over WiFi or Cellular (on devices that have cellular).
How to Use ICatcher! Podcast Player on Your PC or Mac
Want to enjoy ICatcher! Podcast Player on your desktop? Download the latest APK (8.20, 35 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★☆A solid full featured performer
Have relied on this app for my podcasts for years. This is possibly the most capable podcast app even though others are more talked about. Developer is very good in keeping it up to date. —- Sadly with update 8.1.1 the app is very buggy/unstable. Swipes to advance Audi don’t work, sometimes downloads are hanging, can not get out podcast notes or cannot show them. Bummed
— 8.1.2 restores “swipe to advance” yay!
★★★★★Outstanding player (but one regression in last update?)
My go-to for years. Does everything you’d want a pod catcher to do.
However, in most recent update, I can’t use the next/prev buttons to go to next/prev chapter in the same episode that I used to be able to do and was vital for podcasts like Coverville that have internal chapters. The setting for allowing it to do that is still there and turned on but when I hit next, it goes to next episode instead of next chapter so I have to use the chapter toc to move between chapters. Is this a fixable re
★★★★☆Accessibility features
Settings are not very accessible for the visually impaired and the blind
★★★★★Great app I’ve been using for years
Excellent app and hard working dev. Wish it had some kind of queue system but other than that it’s really great. Appreciate the dev not making a premium subscription like so many other apps and instead a one time payment. Thank you.
★★★★★The BEST podcast app
I’ve been using it for many years. This app has so much more functionality than the standard iPhone podcast app - can’t imagine why one wouldn’t spend the pittance to enhance one’s podcast experience significantly.