K Health | Primary Care is a medical app developed by K Health. The latest update (v4.17), released on <em>May 17, 2024</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.64 out of 5 stars based on 35.6K reviews. K Health | Primary Care is <em>FREE</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 13.0+ and Android 12 or newer.

K Health | Primary Care

K Health | Primary Care icon

Genre: Medical

Ratings: 4.64

Version: 4.172.4

Updated 17/05/24

Downloads: 191

24/7 providers + health AI

K Health | Primary Care is a medical app developed by K Health. The latest update (v4.17), released on May 17, 2024, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.64 out of 5 stars based on 35.6K reviews. K Health | Primary Care is FREE to download. The app is compatible with iOS 13.0+ and Android 12 or newer.

What is K Health | Primary Care app?

App Description

24/7 ACCESS TO HIGH-QUALITY MEDICAL CARE FROM YOUR PHONE. NO INSURANCE REQUIRED. Get the treatment you need from licensed medical providers without setting foot in a doctor’s office.
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Download K Health | Primary Care for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy K Health | Primary Care on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (4.17), which requires 196 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the K Health | Primary Care app, visit our forums.

Reviews on K Health | Primary Care for iOS

★★★★☆ It’s a great app!
The app provides very easy access to general care doctors and prescription medication. The only downside is there are no windows of time for the appointments. I’ll request to talk to a doctor at 6pm and someone won’t reply to me until 2am. When they realize I’m not going to answer (because I’m sleeping) they leave the chat and the cycle starts over when I wake up.
★★★★★ Nice Alternative
When every hospital/clinic is overrun and treats the patients poorly, K health is a nice alternative to the nonsense for basic care needs. Very happy with my experience.
★★★★★ First time
I was a first time user. It took a long time for them to get back to me. Which says a lot. That this is very helpful especially for those who work and can’t get away. I will wait again for this . Thanks
★★★★★ Excellent!!
My doctor was excellent. He tolled me what I had and electronically sent in my medicine. Also a Doctor got in touch with me within minutes. It was a excellent conversation. The Dr was extremely thorough thank you.
★★★★★ Life-saver!
This app is AMAZING! I used it for the first time today. My family has had strep so when I woke up with a fever and searing pain in my throat I knew what it was. Instead of spending half my day at the walk in, I spent 30 minutes explaining my symptoms, my exposure and getting immediate assistance. This literally just changed everything for me and I’m so thankful Blue Cross recommended this app! Thank you!
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