ProCam - Pro Camera is a photo & video app developed by Tinkerworks Apps. The last update, v14.50, released on September 20, 2024, and it’s rated 4.62 out of 5 based on the latest 32.8K reviews. ProCam - Pro Camera costs $9.99 and requires iOS 11.3+ and Android 10.3 or newer to download.
Want to enjoy ProCam - Pro Camera on your desktop? Download the latest APK (14.50, 36 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★★Pop Ups Stop Video Recording
I love this app. Especially the fact that I can run video with the focus locked, but the aperture on auto. I couldn’t find this combination anywhere else. My only criticism is that anytime my iPhone has a pop up, such as “low battery,” it pauses the recording of the video. Is there a fix? Also, I shoot long form videos, and after about two hours of constant shooting, the app seems to shut off the recording. Is there a way to prevent the auto shut off?
★★★☆☆Good app but Warning: No pinch-Zoom
Pinch to zoom is such a basic and essential gesture/feature for the iPhone camera, so the absence of it in a photo app is unfortunate. A zoom slider is - meh. Would give this a higher rating when that basic gesture is added.
★★★★★Great app
I’ve had this for several years now and really like the manual features. About a year ago I stumbled upon the light trail feature and that was fun too. The company website has a tutorial section that is nice as well. I like learning new stuff. I just got the new iPhone 14 pro max and hope they upgrade so I can get the RAW 48 mp. Great app yes I would recommend
★★★☆☆Doesn’t take selfie?
Can’t find selfie button.
I can’t believe I just spent 30 minutes looking for the front facing camera button and still never found it. swear there used to be one on this app but if there still is, they’ve made the UI so unintuitive that I’ll never find it. Uninstalling.