Sony | Headphones Connect is a utility app developed by Sony Home Entertainment Sound Products. The latest update (v8.30), released on <em>November 10, 2021</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.30 out of 5 stars based on 21.1K reviews. Sony | Headphones Connect is <em>FREE</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 11.0+ and Android 10 or newer.

Sony | Headphones Connect

Sony | Headphones Connect icon

Genre: Utilities

Ratings: 4.30

Version: 8.3.0

Updated 10/11/21

Downloads: 553

Sony | Headphones Connect is a utility app developed by Sony Home Entertainment Sound Products. The latest update (v8.30), released on November 10, 2021, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.30 out of 5 stars based on 21.1K reviews. Sony | Headphones Connect is FREE to download. The app is compatible with iOS 11.0+ and Android 10 or newer.

What is Sony | Headphones Connect app?

App Description

Customize Sony headphones with a linkage function for this app to your liking. Everyday music becomes even more enjoyable with easy controls. You can quickly connect to a smartphone by following a guide.
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App available in other languages

Download Sony | Headphones Connect for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy Sony | Headphones Connect on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (8.30), which requires 224 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the Sony | Headphones Connect app, visit our forums.

Reviews on Sony | Headphones Connect for iOS

★★★☆☆ Hit or Miss
When connected, the app contains the lot of useful features. Problem solved the app doesn’t always connect. I have the two device feature turned on. Both paired devices usually connect. Sometimes one app connects, sometimes neither. The hot device can skip from one to another at random. Without the app, it’s hard to control.
★★★★★ Feels like luxury
The app and headphones feel so polished and high quality. I absolutely love them. (I have the XM4s)
★★★☆☆ Need to set up at higher volume,
What’s the point of having high bass if the volume is too low?
★★★★★ EQ
10/10 for the EQ. Simple as that. And it instantly connects everytime.
★★★★☆ Overall Great
The app works as intended and the design is clean and intuitive with one minor caveat, it doesn’t scale correctly on tablets. This is a bummer because I like to watch movies on my iPad. However all the functionality remains the same.
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