Station 117 is a puzzle entertainment game developed by Glitch Games. The latest update (v1.00), released on <em>February 23, 2024</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.25 out of 5 stars based on 122 reviews. Station 117 costs <em>$1.99</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 11.0+ and Android 10 or newer.

Station 117

Station 117 icon

Genre: Puzzle

Ratings: 4.25

Version: 1.0.4

Updated 23/02/24

Downloads: 453

First-person adventure game‪.‬

Station 117 is a puzzle entertainment game developed by Glitch Games. The latest update (v1.00), released on February 23, 2024, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.25 out of 5 stars based on 122 reviews. Station 117 costs $1.99 to download. The app is compatible with iOS 11.0+ and Android 10 or newer.

What is Station 117 app?

"Glitch Games has a way of creating great atmosphere in their games, and their puzzles ... are always satisfying and feel within reach." - Jared Nelson | TouchArcade Station 117 is a first-person point and click mystery adventure game.
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Download Station 117 for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy Station 117 on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (1.00), which requires 534 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the Station 117 app, visit our forums.

Version: 1.0.4
Version: 1.0.1

Reviews on Station 117 for iOS

★★★★☆ Enjoyed it despite problems
This is the first game I have played by this developer and though it was “glitchy” at times and shorter than I expected, I really enjoyed it. I played on an iPhone so I wondered if that may have caused some of my issues. Great game though and will definitely buy more by this developer.
★★★★★ Fun
Love the story and the puzzles, it reminds me of a movie and one of the characters🤣 Overall I really enjoyed this one. Good job!👍
★★★★☆ Clock puzzle…
Hi, normally I adore Glitch Games but this one is a slight clunker. I got different times on the time generator in Chapter 2. Not sure how 10:50 showed up for me. The times were also in a different order. The game overall is quite good although the riddles are more nonsensical than I’ve come to expect from this company. Overall, I would suggest it but don’t be afraid to seek help with the clock puzzle.
★★★☆☆ Meh
It’s alright I guess. Really short compared to others. Kinda regret paying but it was worth a couple hours fun.
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