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Meilleures applications 15 comme Egern pour iOS et Android

Vous recherchez des applications comme Egern ? Nous avons compilé une liste des meilleures applications alternatives pour les appareils iOS et Android. Les alternatives Egern sont principalement utilitaires applicationsmais peut aussi être outils de développement applications.

Il existe des applications 15 similaires à Egern disponibles pour plusieurs plates-formes, y compris les smartphones iPhone, iPad et Android. Network Analyzer Pro est la meilleure alternative. Les autres applications similaires à Egern sont IT Tools, AirPlayer by suzhou-totoro-network-technology, System & Network Info et Network Speed Tester Server. Toutes les meilleures applications alternatives 2025 sont répertoriées ci-dessous et régulièrement mises à jour.

Applications alternatives Egern

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Network Analyzer Pro

Utilitaires Utilities | First release: November 04, 2019

An advanced tool for network diagnostics, LAN scanning, and problem detection.

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IT Tools - Network Analyzer

Utilitaires Utilities | First release: March 19, 2024

Network scanner and diagnostic utilities for users of all skill levels. Discover devices on your network, detect various types of problems and more!

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AirPlayer - video player and network streaming app

Utilitaires Utilities | First release: February 25, 2024

AirPlayer est une application de streaming vidéo, musique, photo à partir de serveur média UPnP/DLNA vers votre iPhone/iPod/iPad. Caractéristiques - Détection automatique des serveurs média en réseau local.

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System & Network Info

Utilitaires Utilities | First release: May 27, 2024

Have you ever wanted to monitor your network traffic on your iOS device? Well, that's the app you are looking for!

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Network Speed Tester Server

Utilitaires Utilities | First release: April 27, 2024

This app provides the server needed for testing with the free Network Speed Tester Client app for iOS and tvOS. Make sure the device running the server app is close to your WiFi router.

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XY VPN - Secure Your Network

Utilitaires Utilities | First release: February 12, 2024


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Bee Network:Phone-based Asset

Utilitaires Utilities | First release: February 27, 2021

Our vision for Bee Network is to create a thriving community by collaborating on the spontaneous contributions of each individual, much like the intricate workings of a beehive.

Meilleures applications Utilitaires comme Egern

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Trigonométrie Aide

Utilitaires Utilities | First release: December 07, 2021

Aide Trig est une calculatrice simple triangle qui vous permet de trouver rapidement et facilement des angles inconnus et les côtés d'un triangle quelconque à angle droit.

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SeeLevel - niveau optique

Utilitaires Utilities | First release: June 22, 2024

Measure angles and align objects viewed through the camera. SeeLevel also includes a distance/height estimation tool and traceable level.

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Remote Mouse Pro

Utilitaires Utilities | First release: October 16, 2019

Remote Mouse™ transforme votre téléphone mobile ou votre tablette en une télécommande pour votre ordinateur facile à utiliser, dotée d'un presse-papiers inter-appareils qui permet un transfert de texte et d'images en toute fluidité entre les plateformes.

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Esh Gemara אש גמרא

Utilitaires Utilities | First release: September 09, 2021

All TALMUD BAVLI GEMARA with RASHI and TOSFOT on your iPhone. you can learn Gemara with Rashi and Tosfot in split screen mode, or full screen Gemara, or full screen Rashi, or full screen Tosfot.

Meilleures applications Outils de développement comme Egern

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Buffer Editor - Code Editor

Outils de développement Developer Tools | First release: May 30, 2020

Buffer Editor is a POWERFUL code and text editor that lets you easily develop software, view code or take notes on the go.

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San Fransymbols

Outils de développement Developer Tools | First release: March 20, 2022

Looking for an easy way to browse and find the perfect symbol for your iOS and Mac app? Look no further than San Fransymbols - the ultimate tool for exploring Apple's massive collection of over 6,000 SF Symbols.

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Inspect Browser

Outils de développement Developer Tools | First release: September 12, 2020

Web development tools for iOS. Inspect is a web inspector for iOS that provides desktop-class developer tools, right in the app.

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Textastic Code Editor

Outils de développement Developer Tools | First release: November 16, 2021

Textastic is a comprehensive and versatile text and code editor for iPad and iPhone. It supports syntax highlighting of more than 80 programming and markup languages.