Meilleures applications 11 comme Pedi STAT EMS pour iOS et Android
Vous recherchez des applications comme Pedi STAT EMS ? Nous avons compilé une liste des meilleures applications alternatives pour les appareils iOS et Android. Les alternatives Pedi STAT EMS sont principalement médecine applications.
Il existe des applications 11 similaires à Pedi STAT EMS disponibles pour plusieurs plates-formes, y compris les smartphones iPhone, iPad et Android. Pedi STAT est la meilleure alternative. Les autres applications similaires à Pedi STAT EMS sont Medicopedia Dictionary Pro, Pediatric vital signs, CORE by clinically-relevant-technologies et PediRef: Pocket Pediatrics. Toutes les meilleures applications alternatives 2025 sont répertoriées ci-dessous et régulièrement mises à jour.
Applications alternatives Pedi STAT EMS

Pedi-STAT is a rapid reference for RNs, paramedics, physicians and other healthcare professionals caring for pediatric patients in the emergency or critical care environment.

Medicopedia Dictionary Pro
Medicopedia is a Medical Dictionary that gives you free access to more than 150,000 medical definitions, terminology and abbreviations in all branches of medicine.

Pediatric vital signs
This app can be used to see normal vital signs for children in the age range of 1-18 years. Fill in the age and gender to see the normal range of blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate.

CORE -Clinical Orthopedic Exam
CORE is your portable, expert reference tool for diagnosing musculoskeletal and orthopedic disorders.

PediRef: Pocket Pediatrics
Pocket pediatric reference for physicians, doctors, nurses, residents, physician's assistants (PA), medical students, EMS, or any others involved in clinical care of pediatric patients.

Age Gestationnel
Gynécologues, sages-femmes, médecins généralistes, étudiants en médecine, infirmiers et surtout femmes enceintes, ce logiciel calcule simplement le terme et l'age gestationnel au cours d'une grossesse.

EBMcalc Statistics
EBMcalc Statistics EBMcalc is the most popular and comprehensive Medical Calculator system on the web. It has been highly acclaimed, reviewed and tested over the last 20 years.
Meilleures applications Médecine comme Pedi STAT EMS

Recognise Foot
Using Recognise™ has been shown to reduce pain, improve performance and assist with rehabilitation in a range of complex pain, and injury states, when used as part of a Graded Motor Imagery programme.

Acupuncture Points Quiz
"Acupuncture Points Quiz" is French localization of the quiz which invites you to test your knowledge of chinese traditional medicine and human anatomy.

Dermatomes is a handy reference map of which spinal nerve roots relay sensation from particular areas of the skin along with a cutaneous nerve distribution.

Grossesse + | Appli de Suivi
Téléchargez gratuitement l'appli de suivi de grossesse la plus utilisée au monde aujourd'hui pour des informations et des articles sur la grossesse semaine par semaine !