Vous recherchez des applications comme Pitch On Stave ? Nous avons compilé une liste des meilleures applications alternatives pour les appareils iOS et Android. Les alternatives Pitch On Stave sont principalement musique applications.
Il existe des applications 10 similaires à Pitch On Stave disponibles pour plusieurs plates-formes, y compris les smartphones iPhone, iPad et Android. Pitch by horosco est la meilleure alternative. Les autres applications similaires à Pitch On Stave sont Pitchmaster by michael-geilich, Pitch by frozen-ape-pte, Tuna Pitch et Onyx: Pitch Pipe. Toutes les meilleures applications alternatives 2024 sont répertoriées ci-dessous et régulièrement mises à jour.
Welcome to the world of quiet sounds.
Pitchmaster is an ad-free, highly accurate musical instrument tuner and tone generator. Built by a musician for himself and his friends, Pitchmaster does the job for reeds, brass, and strings.
From the makers of the famous metronome app Tempo comes the most elegantly designed tuner for iOS. Our amazingly accurate pitch detection technology is suitable for any instrument.
Utilisez cette accordeur chromatique et diapason pour accorder votre instrument de musique.
Start off on the right note every time with Onyx.
Elevate your musical prowess with our revolutionary app! Tailored for discerning musicians, choose from treble, bass, tenor, and alto clefs.
• 16 Voices Drum Synthesizer and Stereo Sample Player • 2 oscillators (16 Waveforms) per voice with filters, Phase and Ring modulation • 1 sample player per voice with sample position, filters, phase and stereo control • Expressive instrument: velocity amount per Amp and Pitch modulation (MIDI CC) • Randomization engine (Drum Synthesizer, Sample Player, Envelopes)
SrutiBox simulates an Indian harmonium, used as a base tone in Indian music and in spiritual practices of chanting and droning.
Hohner announces the introduction of a revolutionary new app for the iPhone: The Hohner Mini-SqueezeBox.
Note est un endroit où lancer des idées, expérimenter avec des sons et fixer une direction.