Meilleures applications 18 comme Voice Effect Changer pour iOS et Android
Vous recherchez des applications comme Voice Effect Changer ? Nous avons compilé une liste des meilleures applications alternatives pour les appareils iOS et Android. Les alternatives Voice Effect Changer sont principalement utilitaires applications.
Il existe des applications 18 similaires à Voice Effect Changer disponibles pour plusieurs plates-formes, y compris les smartphones iPhone, iPad et Android. Daily Translator est la meilleure alternative. Les autres applications similaires à Voice Effect Changer sont Deep Translator, Voice Translator&Mini and Fast, Voice in a Can et Quick Voice Recorder Pro. Toutes les meilleures applications alternatives 2024 sont répertoriées ci-dessous et régulièrement mises à jour.
Applications alternatives Voice Effect Changer
Daily Translator - Voice & OCR
Daily translator is an excellent translation app that is not only comparable to the native translation software on your iPhone but also brings a richer experience.
Deep Translator - Voice & Text
Language translation app for text translation and image translation.
Voice Translator&Mini and Fast
Merci d'utiliser notre traducteur vocal, vous pouvez l'utiliser pour traduire facilement du texte, des menus, des panneaux, des paroles et des conversations, rapidement et facilement.
Voice in a Can
Une Apple Watch (autonome, aucun téléphone requis), une application iPhone et iPad pour utiliser Alexa.
Quick Voice Recorder Pro
Quick Voice Recorder Pro is a simple to use and feature packed audio recording app which you can use to quickly record and voices and sound.
Object Voice
Object Voice - Real-time Object Detection for the Visually Impaired Empower the Visually Impaired with Object Voice – Your Ultimate Companion for Accessible Exploration Object Voice is a groundbreaking mobile application designed to enhance accessibility and independence for individuals with visual impairments.
TV Show & Movie Sound Effects
This is an application that can produce several dramatic sound effects for you.
Camera 0.5 - Wide Angle Effect
Broaden your horizons with Camera 0.5, the cutting-edge app tailored to deliver expansive wide-angle shots. From grand landscapes to bustling city streets, ensure you capture every detail with unparalleled breadth. Voice Changer
Introducing - Transform Your Voice, Your Way!
Microphone HD - recorder voice changer memo
Microphone HD, a special effects recording software, in the recording can add a variety of music effects (applause, screaming, color, drums, etc.), podcast recording must app.
Video Voice Changer Pro
Sound like an woman, a man, a monster, a robot or a ghost! Turn your video voices into whatever you desire, 30+ amazing sound effects included.
Sound Level Analyzer PRO
"Sound Level Analyzer PRO" est une nouvelle application intégrée de mesure du niveau sonore avec des outils puissants d'analyse sonore.
Controller for Bose SoundTouch
Widget pour les systèmes tactiles Bose Alternatives Widget pour contrôler les systèmes tactiles Bose. Maintenant, vous pouvez contrôler votre système via le centre de message, et aussi sur votre montre Apple.
Sound Analysis Oscilloscope
Sound Analysis Oscilloscope shows all main signal properties. Detects and shows the frequency, wave form, wavelength period and the music notes corresponding to that frequency.
Meilleures applications Utilitaires comme Voice Effect Changer
Night Vision LIDAR Camera
This app uses the front-facing infrared camera and the rear LIDAR based camera to be able to see in the dark. This app requires a device that has Face ID in order to work.
Heures & Minutes Calculator
Heures & Minutes Calculator est une calculatrice de temps simple qui vous permet de facilement ajouter, soustraire, multiplier et les valeurs de temps heures et des minutes, sans la nécessité de convertir ces valeurs dans leurs homologues décimales.
Paste Keyboard
Sometimes we have to write long messages, emails, remember addresses, and create other large portions of text. Now you can use Paste Keyboard to quickly access stored notes and information to communicate faster!
Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac
The Flat Earth Sun & Moon Clock shows where the sun and moon are across the face of the earth as shown on the AE map. See where your day & night are, position and phase of the moon as the sun laps it every 28 days.