Backgammon Masters Historique des versions
Plongez dans les archives complètes des versions APK de Backgammon Masters, contenant des notes détaillées et des informations de compatibilité pour chacun des historiques de versions 10 collectés depuis Jun 9, 2022. Cette page est dédiée aux fans souhaitant explorer l'évolution de Backgammon Masters.
Plus d'information
- Nom du paquetcom.2kb.mob
- Évaluation du contenu12+
- LanguesFrench (5) Voir tout
- Première version2011-08-17
Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version 1.7.71
Fixed crash upon switching to German locale
Backgammon Masters Historique des versions de l'APK
Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste des versions de fichiers APK pour Backgammon Masters. Veuillez noter que les liens de téléchargement pour chaque version peuvent ne pas être disponibles ou n'être accessibles qu'après l'approbation du développeur.
Backgammon Masters v1.7.71
Backgammon Masters v1.7.80
We have finally implemented fullscreen mode. We are awesome! - Added a panel featuring players next to the game board
- Player's panel features useful information
- Increased avatar size
- Improved game timer
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Backgammon Masters v1.7.64
- App crush upon launch
- Bug which caused checkers and other board elements to disappear
- Bug which caused online game to crash
- Bug which prompted internet connection in offline "Practice" mode
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Backgammon Masters v1.7.58
Fixed bug with authorization via VK<br>
Support of new iPhone and iPad devices
Backgammon Masters v1.7.52
- Fixed bug with window blocking at beginning of a game
- Fixed bug where player gets returned to lobby after a game
- Fixed bug with displaying room number
- Added option to skip authorization window at any situation
- Added button to view ads for gold bonus in lobby
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Backgammon Masters v1.7.42
- Added ability to spectate current and last games in challenge leaderboard
- Added nardegammon variant (narde with doubling cube)
- Fixed app crash
- Minor fixes in challenge section
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Backgammon Masters v1.7.41
- Fixed bugs, causing the game to freeze<br>
- Changed challenge system<br>
- Changed game lobby interface
Backgammon Masters v1.7.36
- Fixed a logical error at the end of the game which didn't allow match to finish
- Added ability to play gold games with friends. In these games Elo and experience cannot be gained.
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Backgammon Masters v1.7.33
- Fixed critical bug in the game logic
Backgammon Masters v1.7.32
- Fixed a bug in the game logic<br>
- Added a cube bet in Narde against AI
Backgammon Masters v1.7.31
- Fixed critical bug in the game logic
Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour télécharger des fichiers APK d'une version spécifique, visitez le Forum Backgammon Masters.