Crashlands Historique des versions

Butterscotch Shenanigans, Inc.

Plongez dans les archives complètes des versions APK de Crashlands, contenant des notes détaillées et des informations de compatibilité pour chacun des historiques de versions 9 collectés depuis Apr 27, 2022. Cette page est dédiée aux fans souhaitant explorer l'évolution de Crashlands.

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Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version 100.0.118

If you died in Hardcore Mode and one of your items was on cooldown, that item would be stuck on cooldown in other saves until you rebooted the game. This should no longer occur.

Crashlands Historique des versions de l'APK

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste des versions de fichiers APK pour Crashlands. Veuillez noter que les liens de téléchargement pour chaque version peuvent ne pas être disponibles ou n'être accessibles qu'après l'approbation du développeur.

Crashlands v100.0.118
Crashlands v100.0.96
General bug fixes. Check out the full patch notes at
Crashlands v1.5.66-rc.6 - 100.0.62
General bug fixes. Check out the full patch notes at
Crashlands v10.0.3
Fixed a bug with cloud save syncing and duplication of saves. Patch notes available at
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Crashlands v1.4.40
Fixed a bug when entering Bawg for the first time that the weapon Grandmammy gave would crash the game.
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Crashlands v1.4.39
Bug fixes and optimization updates. For more details, check out the patch notes at and use the in-game "Give Feedback" button to contact us.
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Crashlands v1.4.10
v1.4 has added same screen co-op, meaning Juicebox can do all sorts of crazy things now, provided you have a friend and a gamepad.
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Crashlands v1.4.9
v1.4 has added same screen co-op, meaning Juicebox can do all sorts of crazy things now, provided you have a friend and a gamepad.
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Crashlands v1.4.6
v1.4 has added same screen co-op, meaning Juicebox can do all sorts of crazy things now, provided you have a friend and a gamepad.
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Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour télécharger des fichiers APK d'une version spécifique, visitez le Forum Crashlands.