Drive Ahead! Historique des versions

Dodreams Fairytale Company Oy

Plongez dans les archives complètes des versions APK de Drive Ahead!, contenant des notes détaillées et des informations de compatibilité pour chacun des historiques de versions 9 collectés depuis Oct 29, 2024. Cette page est dédiée aux fans souhaitant explorer l'évolution de Drive Ahead!.

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    French (17) Voir tout
  • Première version

Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version 4.10.1

La nouvelle saison froide, Congère, s’empare de Drive Ahead!
- Mettez vos pneus neige et triomphez du roadtrip givré
- Des voitures hivernales exclusives
Nouvelle arène aux étoiles !
- Foncez dans le BULLDOZEUM
- Améliorez vos voitures pour gagner des points et faites vos preuves pour entrer dans l’arène
Aptitudes de voiture !
- Nouvelles aptitudes pour de nombreuses voitures Ville et Construction. Augmentez leur niveau !
Nouvelles missions quotidiennes

Drive Ahead! Historique des versions de l'APK

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste des versions de fichiers APK pour Drive Ahead!. Veuillez noter que les liens de téléchargement pour chaque version peuvent ne pas être disponibles ou n'être accessibles qu'après l'approbation du développeur.

Drive Ahead! v4.10.1
Drive Ahead! v4.5
New season: Merry Crashmas! - Unlock exclusive Crashmas themed cars - Save the Crashmas from the evil Krampus by embarking on an epic Crashmas Road Trip and weekend boss challenges - Enjoy crashing through the snow in new Friendzone maps - Parts Party event returns to Battle Arena
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Drive Ahead! v4.01
UPDATE 4.0 Friendzone gets instant matchmaking! - Enter Crazy One-Shot Style Battles with up to 8 players! - Play with Friends or in Quick Play!
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Drive Ahead! v3.19.1
UPDATE 3.19 Lunar New Year is coming to our game and this year it is the rabbit! Hop in and jump around arenas with new Turbo Rabbit car!
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Drive Ahead! v3.15.6
UPDATE 3.15: Summer Update New Feature ? Crew Events: Fight together with your crew mates to earn rewards. New event ? Crew event: Pier Pressure
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Drive Ahead! v3.12
Prepare for the new UPDATE and the season of SAW-AGERY! Get your own exclusive SAWBLASTER car to rip your enemy cars a part and collect unique saw-age REWARDS!
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Drive Ahead! v3.7.2
GET CARS by the CONTAINER LOAD with this UPDATE! Do you need a floating vehicle for a Roadtrip mission? Do you wish to beat a giant Rift Riders Boss with a small car and skill? Is the only way to satisfy your appetite for motor oil and metal to take a bite out of your opponent's wreck? Then our car trait specific containers are your solution.
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Drive Ahead! v3.3.0
Season 1 is here: Kong of the Jungle! GET NEW LEGENDARY STRONG KONG CAR With this Great Ape you simply grab the opponent by the nose and slam them on the arena floor
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Drive Ahead! v2.5
BIG RIFT RIDERS UPDATE Aerial Abomination and Tentacle Terror are BACK! Completely refactored Rift Rider progression
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Drive Ahead! v2.1.8
We're dedicated to giving you the tools you need to succeed in Drive Ahead!, so for this update we've been real busy working under the hood!
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