Hex of Steel Historique des versions

Valentin Lievre

Plongez dans les archives complètes des versions APK de Hex of Steel, contenant des notes détaillées et des informations de compatibilité pour chacun des historiques de versions 8 collectés depuis May 15, 2024. Cette page est dédiée aux fans souhaitant explorer l'évolution de Hex of Steel.

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Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version 7.5.0

All current saves remain compatible with the new system, you have nothing to worry about, you can just keep playing, everything is automatically converted, as always :)

• -15% damage penalty during bad weather (for all units), except for planes if the All Weather Policy is enabled.
• Weather forecast system.
• Possibility to edit the weather table of any scenario using the map editor (forecast accuracy, accuracy loss, how many turns in the future, and percentage of bad weather for every month).

• Multiplayer compatibility -> 7.5.0.
• Reworked the weather system from the ground up. The new system now makes more sense, and is more accurate as a whole. The percentage of bad weather is now applied to the whole month, and no longer to every single turn. It also scales to the speed at which days go by.
• AI order of playing its units changed a little, now, on top of being played in the order it currently is played, it will also be playing its wounded units first. This should have for effect to unclutter the front with wounded units, and to have fresh troops going to the front right away instead of having fresh troops behind waiting for nothing by playing before the wounded ones first. Hope that made sense :)
• Another AI movement/positioning change, it will now move weak units right after they play, instead of waiting a full 1/2 turn. This will free space for stronger units as well, instead of them staying behind and waiting for their turn. Basically, AI is doing something close to swapping now.

• One instance of AI unit stacking (due to destroyed bridges).
• Another instance of AI unit stacking (due to overrun setting + Fast AI setting).
• In some cases, tile data could not be updated when snow fell/melted.

Hex of Steel Historique des versions de l'APK

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste des versions de fichiers APK pour Hex of Steel. Veuillez noter que les liens de téléchargement pour chaque version peuvent ne pas être disponibles ou n'être accessibles qu'après l'approbation du développeur.

Hex of Steel v7.5.0
Hex of Steel v7.3.1
WARNING: This update introduces 2 new settings which need to be manually setup by the player. I cannot modify default values of newly introduced variables, therefore you have to check your settings.
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Hex of Steel v7.2.3
CHANGED • Multiplayer compatibility versionning: 7.2.3. • Improved network stability when playing in real time multiplayer (reduced the amount of queries sent back and forth to prevent BufferFull error which was creating the desync issues) I therefore managed to reduce the amount of exchanged data/queries by 58%.
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Hex of Steel v6.7.10
ADDED: • Engineers to Mongolia. • Possibility to swap units with Allied AI units. Very useful to let's say use a harbour or railroads.
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Hex of Steel v6.6.4
Small fixes
Hex of Steel v6.5.01
Fixes to events in the map editor.
Hex of Steel v6.2.101
Fixes for the supply system as well as the damage system.
Hex of Steel v5.8.1
Added - Continue previous save button in the main menu. Changes - XP needed to reach next rank of commander goes up a little bit with every next rank.
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Hex of Steel v4.1.0
- Added : RADARs into the game ! RADARs will spot any plane in a radius of 5 tiles (you can edit this value in the editor). RADARs can
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Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour télécharger des fichiers APK d'une version spécifique, visitez le Forum Hex of Steel.

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