Solo - Fretboard Visualization pour iOS et Android

Published by Trio Software LTD on Jan 01, 2021
Solo - Fretboard Visualization icône

Genre: Musique

Notations: 4.81

Version: 2.1.0

Mis à jour: Feb 11, 2024

Téléchargements: 423

Solo - Fretboard Visualization est l'application a musique développée par Trio Software. La dernière mise à jour, v2.10, publiée sur February 11, 2024, est notée 4.81 sur 5 sur la base des dernières critiques de 26. Solo - Fretboard Visualization coûte $17.99 et nécessite iOS 15.0+ et Android 14 ou une version plus récente pour être téléchargé.

Vidéo : Présentation de Solo


Solo is the ultimate practice App for mastering fretboard visualization, designed by world renowned guitarists Tom Quayle and David Beebee.
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Télécharger Solo

Comment utiliser Solo sur votre PC ou Mac

Vous souhaitez profiter de Solo - Fretboard Visualization sur votre bureau ? Téléchargez le dernier APK (2.10, 265 MB) ou choisissez votre version préférée et suivez nos Guide de l'émulateur Bluestacks pour une installation facile sur Windows ou macOS. Pour toute assistance concernant le téléchargement ou l'installation de fichiers APK, n'hésitez pas à visiter nos forums !

Avis et notes des utilisateurs

★★★★★ Si happy to learn mi neck and train my ear!
Thanks so much!
★★★★☆ The best
That’s the best app to learn fretboard knowledge. The price is nothing if you think about the time to achieve something in this way. Go and play !!! Edit: four stars because i want to create myself some chords progression to work some songs. Is it possible ?
★★★★★ Great aid to learning
Had this app 1 day. Already very impressed with it. Easy to use. Covers beginner to very advanced levels. There’s enough here to keep you busy for life! Aid to learning the fretboard, intervals, scales, ear training and more. I’ll be using this app in every practice session from now on. Highly recommended for anyone serious about becoming a better guitarist.
★★★★★ The best
That’s the best app to learn fretboard knowledge. The price is nothing if you think about the time to achieve something in this way. Go and play !!!
★★★☆☆ Limited functionality for a hefty price
This app claims to help you unlock the fretboard, but doesn’t do much (or anything) to make you learn new positions or patterns. Therefore I often end up using the same old basic shapes I already know over and over.
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