Temple Run 2 Historique des versions

Imangi Studios, LLC

Plongez dans les archives complètes des versions APK de Temple Run 2, contenant des notes détaillées et des informations de compatibilité pour chacun des historiques de versions 9 collectés depuis Oct 9, 2024. Cette page est dédiée aux fans souhaitant explorer l'évolution de Temple Run 2.

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Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version 1.115.0

Trick or Treat! Temple Run 2 is hosting a carnival filled with haunted delights for all!

- Fans rejoice! Haunted Harvest Map makes its highly anticipated return!

- Aurelia the Dark Queen, Miss Joker & Dr. Knox have joined the run!

- Special Halloween Events are here, keep running to know more!

- Compete in Global Challenges and unlock new spooky pets, Nan Gua Tou & Hei Mei Qiu!

- Collect new Artifact sets and the Hats that come with them.

Join the Fun!

Temple Run 2 Historique des versions de l'APK

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste des versions de fichiers APK pour Temple Run 2. Veuillez noter que les liens de téléchargement pour chaque version peuvent ne pas être disponibles ou n'être accessibles qu'après l'approbation du développeur.

Temple Run 2 v1.115.0
Temple Run 2 v1.105.0
SPOOKY SUMMIT HAS RETURNED! New Runners and Hats, a haunting new Pet, ghastly Global Challenges, and frightful favorites gather in the gothic gloom! - Play Spooky Summit free for a limited time!
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Temple Run 2 v1.101.0
LOST IN TIME! The winding pathways of the Lost Jungle open themselves once more, and TWO NEW EXPLORERS stumble into perilous adventure!
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Temple Run 2 v1.96.2
10 years and still running! It's been a decade of daring escapes and death-defying dodges! - Master thief Scarlett Fox is back with new gear, new treasure, and new allies for a whole month of madness!
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Temple Run 2 v1.92.0
Burst into Blooming Sands as the world takes on a new life! But watch out, there's more than just the Demon Monkey out to get you.
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Temple Run 2 v1.88.0
Celebrate Africa Month with us! Burst into a land of vivid culture and history as the Temple Run 2 world takes on colors of the wonderful continent of Africa!
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Temple Run 2 v1.82.2
Trick or Treat!!! Temple Run 2 is hosting a carnival filled with haunted delights for all! It is time to run through the countryside and take a fair ride or two in these spooky surroundings.
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Temple Run 2 v1.76.2
Pirate Cove needs your help! Only runners like you can clean it up! It's time to go green and help make the world of Temple Run a safer and healthier place!
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Temple Run 2 v1.71
The leaves are beginning to change in the Lost Jungle! + Introducing the Fall Jungle map for a limited time + Collect Fall Coins for a limited time as you take in the new scenery + Compete in Fall Jungle-themed Global Challenges
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Temple Run 2 v1.59
The Fall Jungle beckons only the bravest! Are you ready for what waits in a land lost to time? - For a limited time, run through a jungle transformed by Autumn. - Test your skills with fall themed Global Challenges.
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Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour télécharger des fichiers APK d'une version spécifique, visitez le Forum Temple Run 2.