True Backgammon Historique des versions

CompuLab, Markus Gömmel

Plongez dans les archives complètes des versions APK de True Backgammon, contenant des notes détaillées et des informations de compatibilité pour chacun des historiques de versions 9 collectés depuis Oct 30, 2024. Cette page est dédiée aux fans souhaitant explorer l'évolution de True Backgammon.

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  • Première version

Quoi de neuf dans la dernière version 6.20

* 'Show win probability bar in the center of the board' tutor game aids option added
* 'Doubling messages contain score and pipcount' game aids option added
* The BGBlitz engine now offers a 'BGBlitz 3-ply' option, which performs a (slow but very powerful) 3-ply depth analysis

If you like this app and want to support its development, please rate it 5 stars, or even better, write a nice review. I appreciate your support.

True Backgammon Historique des versions de l'APK

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste des versions de fichiers APK pour True Backgammon. Veuillez noter que les liens de téléchargement pour chaque version peuvent ne pas être disponibles ou n'être accessibles qu'après l'approbation du développeur.

True Backgammon v6.20
True Backgammon v5.23
* Own dice must be touched directly to be taken, touching anywhere on the board is no longer possible to prevent accidental dice take.
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True Backgammon v5.13
* Fixed a crash problem introduced with version 5.11 * General stability improvements (ARC) * Needs iOS 12 or higher to run If you like this app and want to support further development, please rate it 5 star, or even better, write a nice review.
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True Backgammon v5.09
* Native support for all new iPhone 14 devices * General stability improvements * Needs iOS 12 or higher to run If you like this app and want to support further development, please rate it 5 star, or even better, write a nice review.
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True Backgammon v5.07
* Bug fixes and stability improvements * Needs iOS 12 or higher to run If you like this app and want to support further development, please rate it 5 star, or even better, write a nice review.
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True Backgammon v5.06
* App crashed immediately when running on iPhone 12/13 devices with iOS 15 installed * Support for the new iPad mini 6 device * More bug fixes and stability improvements * Needs iOS 12 or higher to run
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True Backgammon v5.01
* various bug fixes
True Backgammon v4.37
* Possible crash after aborting a network game fixed * macOS version no longer shows a beachball during delays * Network games using voice chat no longer crash the app * True Backgammon is optimized for the latest iOS and supports all the latest iPhone and iPad devices
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True Backgammon v4.35
* A bug from v4.34 was fixed, where double-six dice were displayed before showing the real dice * A third game speed setting was added to speed up game play * Fixed a malformed two player mode message on the opponents side
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True Backgammon v4.34
* A third game speed setting was added to speed up game play * Fixed a malformed two player mode message on the opponents side
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Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour télécharger des fichiers APK d'une version spécifique, visitez le Forum True Backgammon.