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Italy App Store

Recensioni dell'app Freya • Surge Timer

L'app Freya • Surge Timer ha recentemente ricevuto recensioni positive da 4 su dispositivi iPhone, iPad e Android. Gli utenti di Italy hanno assegnato all'app Freya • Surge Timer una valutazione media di 4.80 su 5 stelle, sulla base di un totale di valutazioni 5 dalla sua uscita su Mar 24 da parte di The Positive Birth Company. Puoi condividere i tuoi pensieri positivi o negativi su Freya • Surge Timer?

Le valutazioni e le Recensioni
Nominale 4.75 out of 5

5 valutazioni globali

5 Stella
4 Stella
3 Stella
2 Stella

Esplora le recensioni globali dell'app Freya • Surge Timer: Spain, US, Sweden, France, Germany.

4 Recensioni positive degli utenti per Freya • Surge Timer

A real life saver

I strongly recommend this app - it is totally worth its money. Freya allowed me to stay focused and to keep my breathing regular and calm. When I went for a little while without the app for logistic reasons, I noticed how easily I lost my rhythm and what a difference the correct breathing technique makes. I don’t know how I could have coped through the first part of labor without this precious tool.

A great help

I’m so glad I downloaded this app - I had the previous version for my positive birth 19 months ago, and I used it throughout labour. I honestly think it was greatly down to this app helping me concentrate on my breathing that I got through everything without any medication. I highly recommend it!!

Truly helpful

This app helped me immensely during birth. Its calming and breathing exercises allowed me to stay focused and relaxed. It also helps detect when you’ve reached active labour. Couldn’t recommend it enough.


I loved this app during birth - it’s what got me through labour! I just used it the whole time for the up breathing count, seems such a silly thing but made me focus during every surge.