Stardust: Period & Pregnancy app icon
Italy App Store

Recensioni dell'app Stardust: Period & Pregnancy

L'app Stardust: Period & Pregnancy ha recentemente ricevuto recensioni positive da 11 su dispositivi iPhone, iPad e Android. Gli utenti di Italy hanno assegnato all'app Stardust: Period & Pregnancy una valutazione media di 4.67 su 5 stelle, sulla base di un totale di valutazioni 510 dalla sua uscita su Oct 24 da parte di Stardust App LLC New York. Puoi condividere i tuoi pensieri positivi o negativi su Stardust: Period & Pregnancy?

Le valutazioni e le Recensioni
Nominale 4.36 out of 5

510 valutazioni globali

5 Stella
4 Stella
3 Stella
2 Stella

Esplora le recensioni globali dell'app Stardust: Period & Pregnancy: US, Sweden, Germany.

11 Recensioni positive degli utenti per Stardust: Period & Pregnancy

Statistics and predictions

There should be a way to turn off cycle insights. They are not relevant for most people on birth control for example, and someone on the pill might be confused by seeing ovulation predictions and worry that they are at high risk of pregnancy when they're not. Some people also have irregular/abnormal natural cycles that make these insights highly unreliable. Also, it's cool that there are a lot of factors to track but I wish it was easier to see what you tracked in the past- e.g. with a feature

The copywriter’s work is immaculate

Nothing bad with the app, everything is super clear once you get used to it. But the text notifications I receive are the best part. Nice job to the copywriters that worked on it because they crack me up everytime (while being super comprehensible on what’s happening!)


Esteticamente belissima, accurata a ricca di informazioni interessanti e andeddoti. 10 spanne sopra le altre app per il monitoraggio del ciclo che ho provato.

my favourite app

it’s literally the only app i will always look forward to, love the design and how it function

Absolutely the best cycle app

I love how the app is structured, the things it explains but most of all that it tells you what cycle phases you are in (follicular, etc…) which most apps don’t do and is what I was looking for. I love how it tells you about the moon! I wish there was the italian version of it, my friends don’t want to download it because of this. If you need an italian translator I’m up for the job as a bilingual italian/british !


It would be really helpful if you added a reminder for the pill/nuvaring etc! Everything else is perfect

new design

i truly love this app with all my heart but the first design was so much better than this new one :( the minimal symptom icons were way prettier and these new ones confuse me. everything was prettier in the first version in my opinion

Well Done

I loved this app since the first minute but I have an issue: when I try to open the app with my mobile data it says I’m offline, when I’m on wi-fi it works…


Super cool, very well done app, just one little issue, in my profile I appear as a White Witch and then on the page that I share with my friends I appear as a Purple one… could you explain? OVERALL VERY WELL DONE, IT WORKS VERY WELL AND NEVER FAILS ME! love it

Well done

This app is beautiful!

Lovely, but…

This app has a lot of potential and it’s very well-built (let alone the fantastic graphic), but there’s an issue when adding friends! My friend, who’s a “red witch” appears as a “pink witch” in my list, and I (a “purple witch”) appear as a “white witch” in hers?