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2GIS: Offline Map & Navigation App Reviews

The 2GIS: Offline Map & Navigation app recently received 42 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 1 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given 2GIS: Offline Map & Navigation app an average rating of 4.82 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 2K ratings since its release on Sep 22 by GIS. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about 2GIS: Offline Map & Navigation?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.45 out of 5

2K global ratings

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2 Star

Explore global reviews of the 2GIS: Offline Map & Navigation app: Germany, Sweden.

42 Positive User Reviews for 2GIS: Offline Map & Navigation

Great alternative to Google and Apple Maps

Great app, stable and works offline as good as online. Small little things make it a worthy competitor. It shows exactly where entrances to malls and buildings are. Speed limits on roads and cameras.. very nice and mostly up to date informations on businesses. Wish they would have a few more cities but im sure thats gonna come.. Also, yes it is a russian company but the terms and conditions are simple to understand and read and yes there is a option to opt out of any data collection - in a lot o

Хороший сервис, но исчез поиск по товарам

Хорошая карта, особенно в городах Сибири, но в последней версии не стало поиска лекарств в аптеках.


Очень хорошее приложение советую всем👍🏻


Хорошая карта, всегда пользуюсь когда езжу в другие города.


Куда делась вкладка «список городов»?


Уберите кнопку автообновления, чтобы всегда были свежие данные

Периодически невозможно пользоваться

Периодически выкидывает и не даёт зайти в приложение. День на день не приходится. Почините приложение. iPhone 6S

Aircraft Engineer

So nice and accurate gps that I have ever use. Hope to use every day


It’s best even work offline and give me best choice ❤️

Outstanding and work offline

Using it for the last two months reliable and accurate route guidelines. Work perfectly offline as well previously using google map but it is more realistic and accurate then google map.

Very helpful

Very helpful especially in big cities I don’t know.


Hello How about if we used the app by coordination , like copy the location from whatsapp lets say and paste it on 2gis app so can be easily shown or simply open the location from any app and goes by “open with 2gis”


Hello, ever since 2GIS has been updated Cyprus find it difficult to use it. Please work on it.

Send favorite places to email

Please add an option to send favorite places coordinates to email

Нет поддержки Dashboard-режима в CarPlay

Ребят, 2021 год на дворе, наглядный Dashboard в iOS с 13 версии, 2019 год. Сколько лет еще нужно?


Not sure what is going on but all the cities I saw were not in the USA.


Интересно, почему на сайте Apple нет снега? Наверное, их программисты не умеют его добавлять...

Great app but has a bug

On iOS 14 the app doesn’t return to my location after I press the “arrow” location button on the right bottom.

Great app, but please add some cities

This app worked great when I went to Russia and Central Asia. But please add the Caucasus (Yerevan, Armenia, Tblisi, Georgia). This would be so useful for me.

easy to use and to navigate

nice app you can use it even without net

So great

This application is the best, I really appreciate this. Thank you guys!

Разрешённая и текущая скорость

Добавьте в CarPlay возможность видеть скорости и без заданного маршрута.


Отличная программа, жаль только, что мало городов Украины...

Great navigation app

This app works great and knows the short cuts. 2gis does need to update their maps a little more often for big cities. The share option works well also.


It's the best application to use around Dubai and every emirates... I've been using and I love it, very clear & helpful ... tell you everything you want to do, eat, mall and much more...🙂


The app is very good as new starter it even displays building numbers and takes you to door step.

Great app

Highly useful and convenient app especially when you are new to a city

Brilliant App

This app is immensely helpful as I try to navigate the buses in an unfamiliar city with an unfamiliar language. Finding which buses to take and following the route as we travel is wonderful.

Pls update Alternative routes tnks

Kindly update alternative routes or way. Tnks


It’s best app I liked so much, very helpful. If I download other countries map it’s in different language how to change the language English ?

Update ASAP

Please most information are misleading because the companies have moved but on the app it is still showing they exist at that location.

Отличное приложение.

Очень нравится приложение. Видны все новострои города, пути следования общественного транспорта и многое другое полезное.

Лучший помощник по городу

Приятно, когда выбираешь пункт «продукты», находишь ближайший супермаркет, приезжаешь и 2ГИС говорит: «вы приехали, хороших покупок!»

Amazing app

Use it with google translate if you don’t understand Russian

Великолепное приложение.

Очень просто найти нужные организации и их телефоны. Аналогов для нашего города просто нет.


Большое спасибо за 2ГИС. Помогаете всегда


It’s amazing app I am using been long time so happy cos it’s offline map can fined every think what I need big thanks Team 2GIS

bus route changed in abu dhabi

excellent app. but the bus route have change please update it it very usefull thanks

Dog Friendly

Дорогие разработчики, ооочень не хватает поиска по заведениям в которые пускают с собакой 🙏.

How to switch language

Says restart app but not very clear on how to do that.


Почему не добавляете новые страны и города???

1 Negative User Reviews for 2GIS: Offline Map & Navigation


Прекрасно детализованные карты, но ужасный интерфейс приложения. Увольте своего дизайнера, если он у вас есть.