3D Scanner App App Reviews
The 3D Scanner App app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 1 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given 3D Scanner App app an average rating of 3.14 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 36 ratings since its release on May 22 by Route One Consulting Pte. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about 3D Scanner App?
36 global ratings
Explore global reviews of the 3D Scanner App app: France, Spain, Italy.
45 Positive User Reviews for 3D Scanner App
iPhone 12 카메라가 게임 체인저라고 생각했지만 3D Scanning 앱과 같은 앱은 기술을 새로운 차원으로 끌어 올렸습니다. 모든 방에서 작업을했고 3D 스캔으로 잠재적 인 프로젝트를 쉽게 시각화 할 수 있습니다. 직장에 복귀하면 사무실 전체를 다 할 계획입니다.
It is awesome but i have a question why cant I change the camera ?? The included modes are locked to either the front or the back cameras?? Can I change?
So, after the update I can scan again. The problem is the scans are just looking like clay with no actual image.
¡Esta aplicación es increíble! La forma más rápida que he encontrado para crear modelos 3D de gran apariencia.
He estado usando esto durante algún tiempo y la aplicación es increíble para modelar.
Wanted to play around with scanning all other apps make it too expensive to even see what it is like. Trying to capture my whole house in one scan is rough but the app is good at what it does.
Esta es, con mucho, una de las aplicaciones de iPhone más geniales e impresionantes que he usado.
Esta aplicación es mucho mejor que cualquier escáner de mano con el que he trabajado. Fácil de usar e intuitivo.
La mejor aplicación de escáner 3D disponible hoy para iPhone
En lo que respecta al escaneo de objetos, esta es realmente la única aplicación que puede hacerlo con resultados decentes. No es perfecto de ninguna manera, pero es lo suficientemente bueno para la mayoría de mis necesidades en este momento.
Это потрясающее приложение! Самый быстрый способ, который я нашел, для создания великолепных 3D-моделей.
Пользуюсь этим некоторое время, и приложение отлично подходит для моделирования.
Порекомендуйте это приложение для простого и удобного захвата трехмерного облака точек с помощью нового iPhone или iPad со встроенным LiDAR.
Это, безусловно, одно из самых крутых и впечатляющих приложений для iPhone, которое я когда-либо использовал.
Это лучшее приложение для трехмерного сканирования, доступное для iOS.
Безмолвие от простоты использования!
This app is awesome! Fastest way I’ve found to create great looking 3D models.
Лучшее приложение для 3D-сканера для iPhone на сегодняшний день
¡Sin palabras en la facilidad de uso!
Quería jugar con el escaneo de todas las demás aplicaciones, lo que hace que sea demasiado costoso incluso ver cómo es. Tratar de capturar toda mi casa en un solo escaneo es difícil, pero la aplicación es buena en lo que hace.
Dies ist die beste 3D-Scanner-App für iOS.
Empfehlen Sie diese App für eine einfache und unkomplizierte 3D-Punktwolkenerfassung mit einem neueren iPhone oder iPad, das in LiDAR integriert ist.
Questa app è di gran lunga migliore di qualsiasi scanner portatile con cui ho lavorato. Facile da usare e intuitivo.
이 앱은 굉장합니다! 멋진 3D 모델을 만드는 가장 빠른 방법입니다.
La mejor aplicación 3D PointCloud LiDAR
Recomiende esta aplicación para una captura de nube de puntos 3D sencilla y directa con un iPhone o iPad más nuevo que tenga LiDAR integrado.
Esta es la mejor aplicación de escáner 3D disponible para iOS.
Been using this for some time and the app is amazing for modeling.
This app is awesome! Fastest way I’ve found to create great looking 3D models.
Recommend this app for easy, straightforward 3D point cloud capture using a newer iPhone or iPad that has built in LiDAR.
Wanted to play around with scanning all other apps make it too expensive to even see what it is like. Trying to capture my whole house in one scan is rough but the app is good at what it does.
This is by far one of the coolest and most impressive iPhone apps I have ever used
This app is by far better than any handheld scanner I’ve worked with. Easy to use and intuitive.
I used this for fun with a new iPhone12 Pro and it works surprisingly well.
Does a pretty good job of making and texturing models. Excited to see how this app progresses
Definitely the Best 3D scanner app out today for the iPhone
This is an exceptional application... Never thought that a smartphone can be used to make a 3D model scan...
This app just blew me away. I had low expectations for a lidar scan from a phone but I exported the generated model that this app made of my living room and it is great. I’m really impressed by this 3D scanner app.
Easily the best object scanner I've used
Downloaded model with OBJ format and open in Blender. All cool! thanks!
Thanks, thanks, thanks. Best app out there. Absolutely worth every penny. keep it up
1 Negative User Reviews for 3D Scanner App
Decided to stop working. Cool