14 Positive User Reviews for Adrian James: Bootcamp
Would be five stars if...
I could pipe my music through the app.
Amazing app!!!
This is a great app for those who are looking to get fit. You don’t have to be a fitness pro to be able to do the exercises. On the contrary, it shows you how to do each exercise. There are three levels and each last 5 mins. It can be done anywhere; could it be better? Yes. Also includes a meal plan. No excuses. This app as well as HIIT and 6 Pack Abs are killers!!! Must get them all!!!!
Best fitness apps💪
I have seen a FULL body transformation by using Adrian James' fitness apps! Can't go a day without a good fat-shredding workout, will post before and after pics soon! 💪
Great app
Great for warm your body up....please add some new excersices
Doing this in the morning before I go to work. Great way to get the blood pumping and the time commitment is reasonable -- who can't give 15 minutes in the morning??
Just do it!!!
Simple the best!! You will see resort since first week just do it...
Great app, intense workout in just 5 minutes, I'm sure I'll be ripped by the time I start the 15 minute workouts.
Just won my age group
I started cross training with Adrian's boot camp and core workout apps two months before the half marathon I ran this past weekend and ended up winning my division (M 55-59). Thanks for these quick, flexible, and effective routines.
Not really an app
Good information but everything in the "app" opens a web page in safari.
Good app
Thank you adrian
It's very useful for me
Thank you very much
Good,, could be great with some guidance
Good, but lack guidance on exercise combinations, then they would be great!
Thank you adrian James great workout I did not know this was cross fit training I’m very low iQ if someone doesn’t explain in person but it helps with strength in Brazilian jiu jitsu I am a white belt that rolled with a blue belt and never got submitted because of this training I was able to control without having much technique. I am soon to join Nick Diaz academy in Stockton ca
Nice structure but not enough variety
The structure of the app is great, but there are so many other workouts that could be added to these to make it a bit more diverse. There’s no way I can do this for a month and do these few of moves… that would get very boring. I was expecting a lot more from a paid app, there are so many free ones out there that give so many more exercise options.
Need to be updated
Need to be updated for ios 17