22 Positive User Reviews for American Idol
American Idol
Please send American idol updates me do it app me send to me Josh right now
Another Paul Simon on guitar, poetry, and musical composition! Whatever the outcome of the competition, Fritz needs and will receive a recording contact. He is simply THAT remarkable.
Love it!
American Idol is amazing! I totally recommend it! You can also vote on your favorites from the top 24 and down! Me and my aunt and mom always pick our favorite and vote 10 for them and the rest 3-7! Try it out and have fun!
Creating account easy!
While creating my new account , Idol recognized my email . So entered the code they emailed me and I was easily led to correct screen to create my new password, because of course I had forgotten my original one! Ha!
Age limit
I think this app is great, but if you are a kid it won’t let you create an account to vote. It shouldn’t matter how old you are to vote. I love American Idol though
Doesn’t works
Hello in my iPhone version. iOS 14 this aplication close, doesn’t work!
Good App
This app is great and makes voting easy. However, it is difficult to create an account in the app. If the birthdate is accidentally put in as someone under 18, the app locks you out and doesn't allow you to make an account at all.
Love Live Voting!
I love the links to the songs, and the contestants. Love the inside scoop!
Something is wrong
The app will not open completely. It opens, loads for two seconds, then closes. I deleted and reinstalled the app and it still won't open.
App crashed
App would not save my votes for Alejandro so I decided to to uninstall it and re-download it but now I can’t even download the app.
Works great!
I think the app is awesome and I love being able to vote! I have had no problems with it and I’ve had it for a long time! Definitely should get it it’s totally worth it! Thanks american idol for allowing us to vote virtually!
11 Negative User Reviews for American Idol
I love the ease of using the app to vote, however I noticed in the 2023 season and now in the 2024 as well, that when there are 12 contestants and less votes are not accepted by the app. Today the app list Kako as a contestant and he was voted off last night.
One or more time zones excluded from voting
On April 22 people in MDT were unable to vote because the voting was closed before the show was even halfway over.
The app is slow
I downloaded the app to vote for my favorites and when I press the login button it freezes.
Could not open
I wish my email and password would have been saved. I tried to get the email link.
Not good. It has worked in the past.
Can’t seam to do anything on this app this year. Hmm. Not happy.
Can’t download app
Hey . I’m having trouble downloading this app cuz it’s asking me for verification and my apple passcode when I didn’t even need my debit card information to get this on my phone
I would try to vote and it would let me I love American idol it’s a shame
The best singer NEVER wins!
I really don’t get how the voting works here?! The best singer NEVER wins. So something really is OFF. Really a waste of time voting with this app. I do enjoy the show though.
Only opens
I can get the app to open and go to home page but to try to watch a video is impossible. It takes awhile and if the video does come up it freezes or skips.
Can’t sign in
I downloaded the app and created an account. I went to sign in and it says the info is incorrect so I went to re-create the account and it says you are not eligible to sign in or register here. WHY? Please fix this so I can vote
Poor app
Makes me very sad that every time I try to watch via the app, that it crashes, freezes and just sometimes doesn’t work. I have to keep selecting the episode I’m trying to watch to get it to work. I hope it’s fixed soon.