14 Positive User Reviews for Baby Tracker: breast feeding plus
Simple to use
Very easy to use and exactly the detail you need to log baby’s events. Works perfectly for keeping track of our newborns poops, sleep and nursing.
This app will help keep you sane!
I started using this app back in 2016 when my first child was born. It was incredibly helpful to log how long he would nurse, which side, how long he slept, how many ml of a bottle he drank, etc. Due to sleep deprivation the first few months after birth are a blur and keeping track of things is tough! I also used this app with my second child. I didn’t need it extensively after 6 months but still use it to log weight, height, milestones etc. A great app that is very easy to use!
Mucha utilidad
Es una app muy muy util! Te ayuda a recordar cuanto tiempo tiene tu bebe sin comer, cual fue el ultimo lado que le diste, al igual que el tiempo de cambio de pañal, siesta, entre otras! La recomiendo 100%
Baby Tracking Made Easy
The easiest baby activity tracker I’ve used. Very simple, continent and user friendly.
Love this app!
I am so happy I found this app that tracks everything I need and more for my new baby. Only thing that I wish was possible was to share the data entered in the app with your partner so that you both could enter when with the baby.
Great app for new parents
Downloaded this app to help us keep track of the feedings, pumping, and diaper changes.
It also tracks when u nurse/pump and when you bathe baby.
Its awesome!
Useful and friendly
Easy filling out and editing
Great charts
Great app!
I used this app for baby #1 and now I’m using it again with baby #2 and it’s gotten even better! Great features and nice look. Really easy to use and the addition of reminders are very much appreciated.
The nurses at the Labor and Delivery center were really impressed with it too!
Great ap!
Love this ap. Used it with all 4 of my kids.
La mejor aplicación que e probado súper recomendable
La mejor aplicación que e usado es primera vez que uso Una aplicación con mi último y 4 bebé alguien me la recomendó y salvado mi vida para saber cuántos pañales usa mi bebé cuando ya la leche cumplió su hora de caducidad súper recomendada si eres mamá primeriza o mamá súper ocupada o simplemente una mamá muy cuidadosa esta aplicación es un salva vida para cualquier madre con bebé y más hijos en el hogar
Great app
Originally started using this app in 2016 with my first born. Now using it again and it’s dramatically helpful in logging all that is important. It’s a great app and very helpful.
It has everything I need
First time mom here. Was keeping track of everything in the note pad. This app is awesome, gives you stats for the day, and super easy to use.
Great app
I love that I can keep track of everything. This is a great app and it’s free which makes it even better. Absolutely five stars:)
Best baby tracker ever!
It is very easy to use. For busy moms the app should be as simple as could be. This is the one. I’m using it even at night just because it is very easy. You can add, correct, delete and everything is so fast and easy. You don't need even to use your brain how easy it is. And in the same time you can track everything: feeding, sleep, diapers, mood, walks, bath and more!