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Baseball Highlights 2045 App Reviews

Baseball Highlights 2045 app recently received 11 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Baseball Highlights 2045 app an average rating of 4.74 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 299 ratings since its release on Nov 18 by Peter Kossits. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Baseball Highlights 2045?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.91 out of 5

299 global ratings

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4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

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11 Positive User Reviews for Baseball Highlights 2045

Great App

Wonderful app. Wish it had more teams and cards, for which I would gladly pay. Thanks!!!

Great game

Time to add all the other expansions though

What a Joy!

This is such a fun boardgame and while it's very difficult to read the cards text on an iPhone, you can run this on your mac and then zoom. I play this game with a neighbor and we use the online function to play. It's just like the real board game, love it! I just wish you could crank the AI level to "expert" instead of Normal or Easy.

Please prompt before ending buy round

The app is generally a solid adaption of the game, which is fun. But, I wish there was a prompt before leaving the buy round screen if there are still cards that can be purchased. I have on multiple occasions accidentally clicked the “Done” button before I was really done.

Very cool and original game

Really fun and addictive twist on baseball. Wish there was a little more depth-maybe a full season mode or something similar-but still a great game. If you enjoy card games like Deck ‘Em, or any card games on iOS, this one is a worthy purchase. Honestly, if you’re considering it enough to be reading this review in the first place, just buy it. It’s worth it

A really fun baseball card game

It’s been years since an update but the game still holds up really well. The AI is definitely worth playing against, and with all 3 expansions there’s plenty of variety.

Great app!

I bought this app to see I would be interested in the board game. This definitely sold me! Great implementation. I will definitely be buying the game. Thanks!

Love love love!

For any baseball fan, deck building fan or just nostalgic on MLB showdown cards. This is your game. For the developer: any chance to add all the expansions???


Excellent implementation of the tabletop card game!!!

Easy to learn and excellent game play

This game has a great tutorial and really intuitive and easy game play.

Great game

Like baseball and card drafting, you will love this. Pretty clever game that retains the baseball theme. I may have to pick up the physical game so my son and I can play.

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