Basketrio: Allstar Streetball App Reviews
The Basketrio: Allstar Streetball app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 2 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Basketrio: Allstar Streetball app an average rating of 4.43 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 11.7K ratings since its release on Apr 24 by ALLFUN. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Basketrio: Allstar Streetball?
11.7K global ratings
45 Positive User Reviews for Basketrio: Allstar Streetball
Game is great but it takes a while to get into a game it self
Its the best basketball game ever
great game love the consistency only problem for ios players we get logged out randomly for nothing literally my phone doesn’t over heat has nothing 2 do with it good wifi its js randomly get swiped off the app ionk
For the past four days, I have tried 7 times on 2 accounts to receive rewards for watching ads. Once the ad plays it gets to the countdown to where you can close it out but the countdown and screen gets stuck to where you have to close out the app and restart the game and you don’t get to receive your rewards . Please fix this. The game is fun overall with a lot of combinations to mix and match players. would like it to be more competitive between the players that pay a lot of money compared to
Fix the matchmaking cause no way a platinum players should be matching with hall of fame players. But other than that the game is good, more unique then other basketball ball games
This is ryoo you said I need to switch to my original server so what server do I need to switch to??
Games fun but, CASUAL queue takes too long. I can’t play ranked because I keep getting paired with players thousands of ranks higher, at this point just give me bots, it’s more enjoyable 😭
Would be a good game if didntcrash fix
1. takes too long to load into games 2. the ping is unstable and lags 3. even with maxed out 3 still missing open shots 4. seem like all speeds are the same no matter what its upgraded to
The game is so good I don’t know what to say
It’s a good game need more dribble moves and also a full court play
There should be a HUUGE variation Of dunks that put people on the floor from farther away
This game is fi🔥🔥
This is the best basketball game on the App Store by far. Multiple game modes that keep you hooked as well as a monthly tournament everyone can take part of, but only in different ways if you aren’t the right rank. Weekly updates, and if you’re looking for the best players to grind for with a competitive community, this is the game.
It is a good game for our kids I would recommend playing
So I love the game it’s amazing, but I have a member info thing and it says to restart so if possible please help.
Why am I missing layups with a guard bro like I been with you guys since dunk nation y’all have to tighten up the mechanics there is reason why I am driving and missing or why I have a maxed out three ball
Great game fun to play fun experience
Can you guys add controller support?
This game is probably the best basketball mobile one yet I play pg and the alley-Oop is tuff I use it a lot
add some new events some of these old events are basically useless and don’t help at all and are just a steal
The PG position in this game is so versatile with different kind of play styles
I love the graphics but I have a iPhone 7 and it crashes almost every time I try to play a this game I would give it 5 stars if you would fix that! I’m a huge basketball fan and I love the animations too but I can’t test them so please fix it!! Have a nice day
why do I keep getting kicked out while in loading into a game
Great game!! Love every minute of it. I feel if y’all add controller support it would take the game to a different level.
I give this a 4 because every time I try to login on my iPad it doesn’t take me to my account and I tried to unstall the game and install the game and it still doesn’t let me log in
Awesome game fr but it lags too much! And if you grind takes very long time to get close to compete against players who pay to play. I say 3.5 out of 5
This game is fun to play when a 225 player play but sometimes I get builds and sometimes be horrible wrong for that and Play that pf 92 are horrible wrong ubs be in the wrong time
I love this game and all but now there is a problem to where I can’t play a match everytime i try to start a match or play a match the game closes so can u please fix this problem
We need shot meter instead oh the contest present on the bottom because point guards,shooting guards have good shooting and we cat use it because of the contest present
the game is just great all around you can upgrade players and even edit them the setup is great the only thing that i dont like is that its half court
We would be able to do so much more if you allowed us to adjust our layout to the way we want it it’s not really a custom layout if we can’t put our buttons where ever we want some people don’t have that many fingers or something why does it have to be in the bottom right can we move it to where ever we want I want to try playing six fingers to work multiple buttons at once so my reaction timing can be faster.
Good game , iPhone 7 very lags
Hello developers I have a major problem whenever I play I get freeZed in the middle of the game and it takes away my credits because it says I’m “afk” please fix this or I will leave a one star review
Pls basketrio help me get my account bck rank 1 frank na took my account
Bec when I play it saying press clear like what the heck Does that mean and try to shot the ball but it want let me
I would really like for recruitment players be out for purchase
It’s fun when you know how to play and have good teammates.
I i have a contract buying wilson then when i check i don’t have him and there a a few characters i buy and i don’t see them so please help me
This game is good but you should add a update of self alley shot,it will be so cool!.
Everything is good the center is pretty good but it’s just like you need to put change chase down blocks and put them both on Power forward and on a Center and you should like put Ally-oops on all players
2 Negative User Reviews for Basketrio: Allstar Streetball
1) Fix the long que loadings. 2) Stop these occasional crashes. 3) A new balancing system in the que. 4) Purchasing Gems not working properly and not getting received.
I love Basketrio I really like this game and I’m giving it a 2 star because of this issue I’m getting it keeps saying get member info fail and it won’t let me play! I’ve tried everything I’ve turned my phone off I forced reset my phone nothing works please fix this I was thinking about uninstalling it and reinstalling but I’ll lose Everything
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I love Basketrio I really like this game and I’m giving it a 2 star because of this issue I’m getting it keeps saying get member info fail and it won’t let me play! I’ve tried everything I’ve turned my phone off I forced reset my phone nothing works please fix this I was thinking about uninstalling it and reinstalling but I’ll lose Everything