16 Positive User Reviews for Blitz: Rise of Heroes
Awesome graphics, a lot to capitalize on
I’ve been playing almost a week and I have quite a few legendarys without spending a penny which is great. But my biggest drawback is what if with the ultimate moves something more theatrical were to happen. Show what damage that attack does. And when you tier up a character, depending on the star level, upgrade the armor, the look, make him look like a force to be reckoned with
There are times this games freezes and I would have to reload the game again
Awesome job
I have played many RPG games until blitz rise of heroes surprised me now I enjoy playing this awesome game as a way to express my coping skills
Fun..when it works.
I’ve enjoyed playing this fantasy game for a couple weeks. I like the artwork, cast of characters you can collect. Each character has a rich, detailed history. However, this is the buggiest game I’ve downloaded. It crashes constantly, has a slow load time, and regularly loses connectivity. And no, it’s not the Wi-Fi. If they can fix the crashing, I’d give this more stars.
Great game so fun
A request
Can we please take the Christmas cap off the cat? Lol. It’s time.
Needs to work in landscape
Fun game! I’ve been enjoying playing it, but the fact you can’t play with your tablet sideways in landscape is irritating. This function in my opinion needs to be added. Thx!
After maintenance it’s not letting me load the game?
Great game to kill time
Very fun, you can play free and still compete just not as fast as those that spent $ for advancement. All depends on your patience, you can play in mind numbing mode and have fun or be more strategic and change equipment and heroes according to each battle.
Great Game
But the biggest scam is that we can double champions on our team but we face teams with double that do 30k or more apiece very unfair to the user. So we can put two of the same ppl to fight the ai but that is allowed not fair at all. Great game tho has my attention for sure.
The best
I’ve played many games from disc to online and this is definitely one of the very best I have ever played!!! Try it and you will see what a quality game really is !!!
Update locked game up
Would have given this a higher rating prior to most recent “update” that prevents you from playing the game - frozen with a arrow pointing to press here which you do and nothing happens. Prior to this was my favorite game, but this continues and will just stop playing it…..
4 Negative User Reviews for Blitz: Rise of Heroes
Can’t play
I can’t play the game since the first day of the new update. I purchased a small package deal and it hasn’t been able to find an internet connection..? But everything in my house has one. Weird please help.
Blown opportunities
I can’t even begin to list the number of issues this game has with new content, lack of updates, hacks, cheaters, inconsistent package deals in the store, lag, “coming soon” content that has been postponed for 2+ years. This game had so much potential and it’s been one wasted opportunity after another. I’m not sure who is leaving 5 star ratings in here but I can assure you there are very few people who play this game who would give it more than 3 stars. Log into our discord page and find out for
I have to delete every time I want to play
Worked great until recently now I have to delete and re install every time I want to play. I have spent lots of my own money playing this won’t be doing that anymore.
great heroes, good graphics... severe economy flaws
PROS: graphics and heroes great. drop rates good. do not need legendary heroes, epic heroes very powerful. for whales LOTS of great deals and packages.
CONS: minimal content. campaign and three zones.
some area "coming soon". sad given game been around couple years.
cannot replay campaign levels nor zone levels.
not possible to grind resources.
within week you will hit major progression wall.
leveling heros and gear near impossible after a week. no resources.
legendary heroes require dupes. lo