Blockman GO App Reviews
The Blockman GO app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Blockman GO app an average rating of 4.38 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 33K ratings since its release on Aug 24 by GVERSE INTERNATIONAL PTE. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Blockman GO?
33K global ratings
45 Positive User Reviews for Blockman GO
I had this game before, and I deleted it because of storage. Managed to get lost off the storage gone so I redownload. I forgot my login info and I figured they would have saved it.
when I got the game it was boring I told one of the moderates and they gave me scripts and banned hackers I love this game and NO the scripts are not fake and pro players are good and doesn’t bully people but noobs that start the game says that they bully them I don’t get it the noobs make is pro players mad :/ but 5 stars love it
So the first game I played on this app was bedwars and it was so fun. I got full diamond and beater a million people and even destroyed a whole team myself. After that I just kept on playing the game and it became my favorite game ever played. 😁
Hey This game was vary good
This game ia awesome but everytime i try to join a party that has 10/16 or 1/16 it wont let me so plz fix this problem its annoying
I payed 264$ for gcubes and I didn’t got them I want my gcubes pliz I wasted my hard work money pliz give me my gcubes
I love the game I play it all the time it’s the best thank you who made this
Hi Blockman go I really love this game but my old iD i login in but I forgot password but I make new password but it’s saying no I don’t why but pls fix that bug and also in email security I put my email but it’s saying no pls fix that too
Add more updates please thank you 🙂🙂
Yk that dis was my chidhood game but there is some scammers one time a guy scammed me and i was sad but ateast there is good people out there and i love dis app so 5 stars
It’s not letting me get on my acc after like 2 years of not playing it so it’s asking me for a code so I can’t get on it and I’m sad :c Also my user is not letting me in
Pls add more games and dating
I try to say Can we play skyb lock but Can is tagged
start with the game is good but what’s the point of having golden blocks U already have coins ok. BUT WHAT IS THE POINT!!!!!!!! And by the way i was never able to get even 1 single golden block because u gotta buy them with real money. and take the chat out people are using it to say inappropriate stuff and using it to team on other people. Dragon eggs on bed wars are useless because when I bought it I thought a really strong dragon would hatch but I got 20 wooden blocks instead so please get
It’s cool but I can’t remember my old account so I wish You could put a screen where it says this is your old account new or old. But over all good game
Block man go why the new update bro I can not loin my account Bro I have 9171 gc 3/5 is too bad but I like it but the pay to win everything blockman go why ur game so bad
This game is so violent that I don’t like it pls delete it
Hi it’s me again but I got a problem with the game it used to let me spin the wheel on games but now when I click on it it just says ad loading please try again later pls fix that
We need a update on FREECITY. The reason why is because it’s still like in the fall spirit and not a winter or spring spirit. Like it’s been like 4 months since October we need an update on free city. Also fix that the fact I’m getting kicked out of FREECITY just of me playing like 20 minutes of it. It would kick me out every 20 minutes. So please fix the kicking out issue as well as UPDATING FREECITY!!!!!!!!
this fr looks the same
It’s still good
When I try to watch a video in bedwars it doesn’t let me the button is gray, please fix this bug. Also, add more free events, this game has potential, Please and Thank You.
every day we join in block mango you should add you get free cubes every day you join oh and people can curse in the game like this FÙÇ_
Si me gusta mucho jugar este juego pero no me deja actualizarlo
It’s a good game but I can’t play skyblock or build and shoot please fix I’m rating it 5/5 but if there was 10 it would be 10/10
Pls ad those two items to skyblock, both costing 1 million coins. And also, PLS AD FRAGMENTS! They were awesome! Why’d you remove them? Sincerely, Jasonic_bg
New featherman and Halloween skin have a limited special deal and I have g cubes ready for it but I can’t update it can some help me out my username is xSk1llz
I love block man go and I love every game and I love the updates❤️and I Love the Christmas update too
This game is literally awsome, KEEP THOSE UPDATES GOING. Idk for more tho but keep making those good games
I love that game would not change anything about it……….except one thing the chat 💬 it cuts out words so plz fix that plz and add more things to the costumes plz and that’s almost all thanks for your time bye!
It’s like a bootleg version of roblox like please the bedwars adopt me literally like copying and pasting just to make the app look good.
Great game but be prepared to spend money.
one day at School I asked my friend to download Blockman GO and he said yes so I kept looking for him on the game and he kept looking for me so on Monday he said kept saying really weird and me I don’t know what happened he said that it was a glitch of me l don’t know what happens I might as well get Roblox when I am 12 anyway if that happens to you TELL ME Bye!
Whenever I try to change my name it always says it’s taken so I don’t changing that? Oh yeah and also I really like it it’s a really good game and I play it everyday! And the games r very fun
The game is my favorite but in a lot of games like bed wars there is a lot of hackers and we had just stared and a guy was flying and destroyed and killed almost everyone there I even got a photo I didn’t die cause I had a platform to save me and build up while the others all died
The game is good I loveeeee playin best game
Not that different but it can be pay 2 win from time to time but so os roblox bedwars and it’s also less laggy
I love the game but I would really appreciate it if u guys added private servers: (You Can Join Ur own Server instead of joining ppl It would really help) Thank you
Beamer game ever! If your like me and to poor than just get this! Every Minecraft game in one!Like Minecraft mobile but better! Because you can get Java on mobile! JUST GET IT!!!!!!!👍👍👍👍🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻❤️❤️
make a new emote that shows your wins
This is an amazing game but it is mostly pay to win
I like it it’s fun has fun games
My username is kidjay5484 and I can’t log into my old account the one I have right now is TTVJalen4EVERUYT
I really like the game,this whole game was my childhood game though I am now wondering,what happened to the old Blockman go?im 11 years old now and I still miss the old version of Blockman go I’ll still rate it 5 stars