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Bluetooth Finder App Reviews

Bluetooth Finder app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Bluetooth Finder app an average rating of 4.11 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 4.3K ratings since its release on Feb 20 by Deucks Pty. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Bluetooth Finder?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.91 out of 5

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45 Positive User Reviews for Bluetooth Finder

Actually Accurate and Reliable

As an artist with AuDHD, I lose my Apple Pencil *ALL* the time. I can’t tell you the amount of stress/panicking I’ve endured trying to find this flighty thing. This app, completely changed that for me. Now, anytime I can’t find my Pencil, I open this app, and BOOM within like 1-2 minutes, I’ve found my Pencil. I highly recommend this to anybody who frequently can’t find things :3

Purchase justified in 10 minutes.

After a competing app didn’t help, I downloaded this, and found my Apple Pencil after jiggling all of the furniture. Without the help function of this app, I would not have known to do that.

Definitely Buy

I got so discouraged, and upset. I started kicking stuff around and shaking everything. I finally found it once I did, saved myself $100

Great app

I loose my apple pencil a lot and my phone but this has helped me find my devices I just love it


As someone who frequently loses the Apple Pencil this app is a life saver I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on these pencils the 4.99 purchase is definitely worth it!

Saved me 130$

I could not have found my Apple Pencil without this app :)

Apollo Found!

Searched high and low for days for my Apollo Wearable! Losing hope! Downloaded this app! Lo and behold found after a few minutes tracking inside my home! This affordable app gives peace of mind!


It took a little while for ME to learn how to use it, but what a game changer when I did! I’m always misplacing things and this is my new best friend.



It actually found a pencil

I can’t believe this, it actually found my Apple Pencil under the very chair that I’ve looked under 3 times before it ran out of battery.

Love this app!

I already have tile because i lose my keys, so this is literally sent from the heavens for me! My apple pencil had been missing for three days, i had checked all my places, downloaded this, started moving stuff around and BAM it picks a signal up. I move it around, and end up finding my pencil had rolled under my nightstand!! I’m definitely keeping this one!

Best for finding Apple Pencil

Dude, I’m an artist, and I have anxiety. So as soon as I lose that apple pencil in my white bedsheets… I start freaking out. But thankfully, with this, I was able to pin down where my apple pencil was on a more accurate scale if that’s the right word to use. It’s incredibly helpful and this is the first time I’ve spent money on a basic utility app. So worth. As long as you’re still connected by bluetooth and the pencil hasn’t fallen asleep, you can find it. Lifesaver!

I am so thankful for this app!

I was tearing my house apart looking for my Apple Pencil for 3 days straight. Turns out it had fallen between the couch cushions and lodged itself inside my couch. I would never have found it without this app.

App is worth every penny!

App worth every penny!

Bluetooth Finder

Love this app. Whenever Apple Pencil needs a break, it wanders off underneath the sofa or the chair. But it can’t hide forever with this app. Thankful for this app.

So handy!

A great way to track down a misplaced Apple Pencil, or your whole iPad even if it’s not showing up on “Find My”!

It Works for Apple Pencil!

All I can say is that it works. 2 times, I have misplaced my Apple Pencil inside my house, it helped me find it both times. The signal strength feature is very helpful, just go slowly, so that you can pinpoint the direction easier. Also note that it’s a 3D space, so moving tilting it up and down increases the chances of finding it as well. I have a 2 story house, so it definitely helps in that kind of space.

Has saved me time and money multiple times

I use a multitude of BT accessories with my iPad, including some Sennheiser earbuds and the Pencil 2, both of which draw a lot of attention from little eyes and hands. I have had them wander off more than once, but have been able to find them using this app. A must have if you have kids and/or wireless accessories that are easily carried away.

Buy it!

Was looking for my Apple Pencil for two days, my daughter always takes it and hides it, bought this app and was able to find it under 5 minutes. The radar really lets you know when you’re super close. Found it on the bottom of her toy box that I already looked in and still didn’t see it the first time. Using the app let me know it was definitely in there somewhere.

This works. Just fact.

I lose Apple Pencil. No idea why I’m so afflicted, but there it is. THIS is the first time -ever- that an app has helped me locate the pencil. Thank you.

Lost Apple Pencil

Apple Pencil went missing. Searched all over the house for two days tearing the house apart. Searched internet to see if there was a way to find it. Someone suggested this app. Figured $4.99 was worth a shot to save $100. Pencil didn’t show up right away, but within a couple minutes showed on the list. Clicked on it and a gage showed up telling me close or far. Walked around until I got a strong signal and found my Pencil deep in a crevice of the couch - that I had already searched three times!

Found it finally

I was terrified to lose my Apple Pencil! I was super frustrated cause I couldn’t find it anywhere, but it helped me to keep going even though I couldn’t see where it was pointing. After moving EVERYTHING, I finally looked underneath the heavy printer on my desk and somehow it hid in the little nook there that I didn’t see even after lifting it originally! Thank you so much this was a godsend.

Found my apple pencil!

Worth the five dollars to save $100



Bluetooth finder is amazing

Bluetooth finder has found my Apple Pencil several times. I love it!

Worth it

Couldn’t find my pencil for 2 days and w the app I found it BY MOVING STUFF so it could tell me the area it’s in 10/10

Would be 5 if there was easier trackage.

Find pretty well just a little annoying to find :)

Ok. Finds ipad and pencil

Simply better then the free ones.

Saved Me $129

Couldn’t find my Apple Pencil anywhere… almost went insane tearing my house up looking for it. This app helped me find it within minutes. Thank you!


I was skeptical. I attended a career fair and thought for sure I’d never see my $129 pencil again! This app gives you a map and a bar to show you how close you are. Money well spent

Money well spent

Helped me find my pencil quickly after a day of stress and injury. Such a big help!

It actually works

I was annoyed because it wasn’t even finding my Apple Pencil for like 45 minutes. Then, I shook my nightstand and it showed up! My Apple Pencil was stuck to the inside of a metal leg on my nightstand.


I found my apple pencil thanks to this app

3 yr old lost my Apple Pencil

3 yr old stuck my Apple Pencil in his duvet cover! I never would have found it and might have even put it through the wash and ruined it. So thankful this app found it! So worth $5! Thank you!

Found my Apple Pencil!

Found it after using the app and shaking the bed sheets.

Found my pen in seconds!

Lost my pen for hours and found it on the floor somehow. I have no idea how I even nudged it haha

Great for find my Apple Pencil when my son steals it

He’s constantly running off with it and losing it, or it falls off my iPad and rolls under the sofa. This app helps me figure out where it is.

WOW Really Works

Found my apple stylus in under 5 minutes!


Very effective. I purchased it to track my Apple Pencil. It got it even at a distance of 15 meters

Saved the day

I lost my Apple Pencil. I tried the free apps first with no success, but with this app I found it in under 5 minutes. It was definitely worth the $5 I paid for it. I would say it got me within about a ten foot area to search in.

As accurate as can be expected

I lost my pencil in the couch but there are many places in the coach it could have been. When I just got on the couch it said that I found it. Not as helpful as I would have liked but as about accurate as can be expected.

Must buy for people that lose their pencil, worth the money

one tip is to nudge everything two times because sometimes it helps.


I count my Apple Pencil!!! My parents didn’t believe me but I downloaded it anywaysssss! AHHHH! I ve been searching for it for almost a week. TYSM!!,! 🤩😱🤭🤟👍. The best


I couldn’t find my Appel pencil and with this app I finally found it. I am so happy now!!! Really is the perfect app!!

Helped me find my Apple Pencil

I had been missing my Apple Pencil for a few days. I found it within a few minutes. This was the easiest Bluetooth scan app to use and, considering how frequently I lose it, worth the price.

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