Bowmasters - Multiplayer Game App Reviews
The Bowmasters - Multiplayer Game app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Bowmasters - Multiplayer Game app an average rating of 4.54 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 1.9M ratings since its release on Sep 24 by Playgendary Limited. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Bowmasters - Multiplayer Game?
1.9M global ratings
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45 Positive User Reviews for Bowmasters
It took Thor from me it took raymonde and it took tanithametil I really enjoyed using Thor and other characters were good but if you could give those characters back back that would be really nice but the game is really fun
I love this game i had no wifi on my cruise and then i played this game and played this game and had fun got so good at it you wont believe it
Stop the ads but cool game
I love it it’s super fun bc there is tons of characters and different effects and the funnest part is two player bc I can play with my friends
It’s in my top 3 offline games
I really like this because of action whatever I lose or I win I get happy thanks for this game
You should bring back the fidget spinner for watching 25 adds to get them
I Got An Idea For A Parody Of A New Character It will Be A Parody Of Megamind,His Name Will be GigaBrain And He Will Throw Time Bombs That Have The Ability To Explode Into a Little Black Hole,Hope You Like My Idea
Awesome game great effects
This is the best game ever and it’s so fun
Is the best game i ever played on mobile also kick the buddy game scares me
I love the game just download it already
There are no new modes no draw mode no zombie mode or new modes in the ad
I love this game and would recommend it for the first game you put on your device! I love it also because you can play and you can play with all your friends and you may encourage other people to get the game! Even though some of the skins are really expensive it’s worth it because they have special attacks and cool finishing moves! I hope all of you read this because it’s true, for me in my opinion, also all these fighting people is fun and rewording even though it’s kinda violent, but i would
Great game anyone can download for free and get free characters when you start you can unlock free chracters by liking there post and sharing to friends 100 recommended game
The game is awesome don’t get me wrong, but there is so many ads for no reason, I remember last time I had this game we had barley any ads. But now we have so many, I win or lose then a ad. I select a character then a ad. If you read this PLEASE take down your ads. I know you get money for adding ads, but please take them down. That’s my only complaint about the game.
I been loving this game for a long time now and I just wanna write an review about what I like about the game.
I want an upgrade jackhammer he’s my favorite
Harry totter weapon Harry’s wand if you click in battle the enemy will be stuck with red lightning to buy Harry you will need 7000 coins. Ron measley weapon Ron’s wand if you click in battle it’s a 50 percent chance that you or the enemy will be blown back by a green spark to buy Ron you will need 5000 coins. Hermione ranger weapon Hermione’s wand if you click in battle the enemy will float up a hit the ground to buy Hermione you will need 9000 coins.
Me personally I love the game, but after every battle I play there is an ad and it makes me very frustrated because I would just like to play the game!
This game is amazing and great
Espero que sepan español,el juego tiene copias de muchas cosas así que no importa si pido esto, ¿pueden añadir a una sombra que dispare esferas blancas que exploten al tocar al enemigo? El juego le encanta y sería un sueño si pusieran mi idea 🙏
Best game ever my all time favorite
Are u serious right neow bro
I love this game so much because it’s really fun to unlock skins and play against another person. But one thing I don’t like about it is that when their health is ALL the way down they get a second chance but when MY health is all the way down I don’t get a second chance, well you can watch an ad to get a second chance but watching ads are annoying and sorta a waste of time. It’s a fine game I guess
Won’t let me go in without kicking me out need to fix 9-6-2022
Fix bug where after you have completed a free gem reward but accidentally close the game you will get the claim reward message but get removed and replace by a offer ( vip starter pack etc ) please fix this
It is a good game you can Battle and do much more download it now
I love this game since the moment my brothers played it but… the graphics could use a little work but still great game.
My boys like it, and it’s a play and pass game also!
It keeps kicking me out the game
The game Bowmasters has a lot of game modes but the ads show a mode where u can draw ur weapons but it isn’t in any of these games the have created
I love this game to be honest. It’s addicting and fun, but there is this one problem. Every time I do a tournament and just finished a level it kicks me out the game and I would have to redo. So I wouldn’t be allowed to get the free award and it would be a waste of my time. If Bowmasters see this please fix this glitch quick. It a very fun game but the glitch makes it hard to play it more.
It kicks me out when I load in
Entretenido pero me gustaría ver un poco más de mini games y por cierto ahora s eme cierra el juego cuando lo undo ya tiene updates me funcionaba súper y de momento ya no qué pasó? :(
Best game I’ve played all year yet i want you to add maybe a like duck animal lol Even though your copying Batman dr.sleep you can add a YouTuber or something like maybe scary besides shovel demon or whatever his name was
The keeps crashing and I don’t know what to do.
The games ok but when I hit Someone with a object it would delete half there face so it would just be bone can you tell me if this is a bug or is it part of the game it also happens on on my tablet
Best game ever I waiting for new characters and modes
Hi I used to love this game but then my mom said to delete this and now I forgot about it would really love to get it back but I don’t want anymore sorry dudes
I personally like the game but for younger audiences it is not suitable
I love this game the characters and I love the weapons
I downloaded it again after like 4 years and it’s so fun!! Although it’s gorey and bloody so If that isn’t your thing I wouldn’t really recommend
I had to doo doo fart while playing this and I won gslföjföhdäjföjdäjföjlzejfjpzrjäfäjjcäjfüufjfbödzfäjbhlzjäföhxj
This is so perfect good and fun