Brain Puzzle: Easy logic games App Reviews
The Brain Puzzle: Easy logic games app recently received 40 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 8 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Brain Puzzle: Easy logic games app an average rating of 4.44 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 2.2K ratings since its release on Mar 22 by Mamboo Games LLC. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Brain Puzzle: Easy logic games?
2.2K global ratings
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40 Positive User Reviews for Brain Puzzle: Easy logic games
I love problem solving games but this one has ads every 2-3 minutes. This is simply the most frustrating thing ever in a game. Not to mention there are no real instructions in the game so you literally have to guess what is going on. Stopped playing the game after 10 minutes of play.
Too many ads during each level
What takes ALL the fun out of the game is all the commercials!! There’s a button for no ads but it doesn’t work when pushed. I would gladly pay for no ads.
Great concept. Some of the touch functions need improvement. Either the touch/swipe doesn’t work or we have to repeat the motion multiple times to complete. Also… Give users what they really want. Make a +18 version and add a little nudity.
But....the more you play the more glitches. And gets really slllooow. I love playing but I get frustrated. Also add more levels please!
Too many ads and of long duration.
I don’t mind ads between game levels but the ones in the middle of the adventure scenes disrupts game processing to the point that I have to close and reopen the app. What’s fun about having to do that on every level?
It’s a fun game but I can’t really enjoy it. Most of the time I watch an ad after seeing the ad the screen goes black making me start all the way over.
So I got to the crime scene level and I couldn’t open the curtains. I used a hint and looked it up but they won’t open.
I really enjoy playing this game but every once in a while they freeze and I need reboot.... please fix this problem Thanks!!
I love this game it’s really makes me thinks and it’s not as complicated as the other games or asks you to spend unnecessary money
Make it make sense. Some of the methods used to find the answers is stupid or something already been tried before using a hint.
This game is great, I just wish it didn’t have so many ads.
I like this game because it’s like controlling someone’s life🤣🤣🤣
I liked the game until I got to the “shop” part of the “adventure”, it glitches out and as soon as I got one star, an ad would pop up, and when I tried to do ANYTHING after that; it just restarted my game.. please fix this.
I like this app but it’s SUPER glitchy. And the amount of adds, smh. I would give it five stars if it weren’t for me having to constantly restart the game. Please fix.
It’s a really good and fun game, I love riddle games and this is just my style
Game keeps freezing or restarting the same level. Way too many ads. No instructions on what or how to play.
I really really want to like this game- it’s fun! It’s a great concept- but it glitches so much that you have to keep restarting the program. With the amount of adds on top of it, it makes it more of a frustrating experience to play.
I like the game when are you going to make more
The game overall keeps my ADHD brain occupied for a while but I just hate the fact that I blew through the levels like it was nothing. I wish there was wayyyyy more levels to play so I never get bored of the game.
Game is really fun but you need to fix the bugs!
It’s a fun game , but too glitchy Ads in the middle of puzzles that restarts the level.ads that just won’t close and a black screen ,until you restart the game.getting around the glitches took more time then the puzzles.
On some of the levels it freezes up and I have to get out of the game and come back and then I have to start over. It is frustrating. I like the game overall except for the freezing up. What can I do to fix this?
I haven’t played yet but looks fun
Every time I try playing the vampire level, it seems to always freeze up. Is there a glitch or something wrong with my phone?
Keeps freezing on the vampire level 🙄
So, I actually like this game but I don’t like the fact once I finish levels but log off... I’m immediately put back in the first board. If I finished it already, why should I have to start over? Doesn’t make sense.
Game keeps freezing and unresponsive.
I love this game but need more levels. I beat every level in 1 day. So please add more.
It would be better if it was more easier to know what they talking about to find then there are too many apps
8 Negative User Reviews for Brain Puzzle: Easy logic games
I thought the adventures puzzles were cool but then they stop after 25 puzzles. What? Is that. Didn’t the developers think to come up with more than 25 ideas?
This game is fun when it works. It freezes and then restarts nut it does not save the work you have already completed on the level. You have to play the level several times. Frustrating
I do love the game way to many ads even as you playing it will stop and show you. Please stop so many ads
Wayyyy too many ads. There’s an ad after every star you get during a level and in between levels and if you want a hint. You can’t enjoy the game because you spend most of the time looking at an ad.
My app keeps freezing on the vampire level, and I don’t understand why
It’s a good game overall but there’s just too many ads spamming you and that ruins the gameplay, sometimes the ads make the level freeze meaning you have to restart the whole level.
You’ll spend more time waiting for ads to end than actually playing the game. So annoying.
Really good game but there’s some major lag