Bridge Baron: Improve & Play App Reviews
The Bridge Baron: Improve & Play app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 14 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Bridge Baron: Improve & Play app an average rating of 4.36 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 820 ratings since its release on Aug 24 by Great Game Products LLC. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Bridge Baron: Improve & Play?
820 global ratings
Explore global reviews of the Bridge Baron: Improve & Play app: Spain, Italy.
45 Positive User Reviews for Bridge Baron: Improve & Play
Can not set convention options.
Lots of mistakes in bidding and playing, but good practice.
Bridge Baron Gold is usually right, and the replay feature is helpful. But if you have a feeling about how a hand should be bid or played, do it your way. You are likely to do better than by following BBG prompts.
I've been buying the pc version since the first edition came out. I also purchased the ipad version, and now it wants a monthly subscription. Ridiculous! How about a refund.
Great app but can’t save changes to settings- either bidding conventions or carding. Seems to be long history of this complaint. Pretty important😬
I can not save any changes on my settings on my ipad because I can not see a save button. Thank you
I HAVE PLAYED THIS FOR A LONG TIME AND JUST PAID FOR an upgrade, Now when the hands are dealt the honors show up aS LVD INSTEAD OF KQJA MARY SCHADWINKEL
If I choose not to continue the subscription will my iPad app have the same functionality it did before?
A 2 club is not indicative of just a long club suit. It designates a very strong with many high card and distribution wins.
Recently, loading a prior game displays on the screen in a square so small that the full hands cannot be seen.
Old versions functioned well. This version has proved a disappointment.
Inconsistent play where often hands are played differently in the 2 playings of the hand I do not like the way the second hand is displayed. It should show all hands and then reset at the start of the next deal
Currently on my I-pad the EW hands are overlapping the NS hands making the game unplayable.
The app doesn’t fully open on my IPad
The card decks now over lap on iPad Pro. Pls fix
Thanks for the prompt fix to the interface.
The recent update includes a pop-up feature that blocks landscape or horizontal play. Especially bad idea for iPad play. Get rid of the pop-up!
We reported an issue with the display, and the team very quickly put out an update available through play store. Well done!
Great app but latest update shrinks size of play area/screen so not all cards etc. are visible and it is nor playable. How can I fix this? Thanks
After the last update, the game is unplayable in landscape mode on my iPad. The play field is cropped, and I cannot see my whole hand.
Very disappointed in the new version. It doesn’t work! Keeps dropping players, screen is reduced in size and doesn’t show all cards in your hand. Makes it impossible to bid and play. Please fix it. It is a great program. Thanks!
Thank you for correcting my problem with the latest fix that forced me to play on my IPad vertically. Well done!
I use an IPad Pro. When the game opens, the bidding block that comes up partially covers my hand.
Somehow this app is getting worse. Table doesn’t fill iPad screen. I can’t modify the convention card. I’ve downloaded the game several times. I’ve contacted developer several time. No response.
Can someone please help. No prompts to set up family sharing.
This. A very completeïe smart game. ,Harry Nickersongtyyy North
It would be a great fix if new deals would be dealt faster. The app seems to ignore my settings and takes too much time to generate the next deal. Also, a tap to the screen does not work to initiate the new deal.
I cannot remember my password. I have clicked on forgot my password. It returns a message it is sent to my email. I have done this multiple times. I have received nothing. Please help.
Problem I had was corrected so I am happily playing bridge- helps when one is quarantined!
I usually love the program but can’t reset my password to get online anymore....tried to have it emailed but never received the email! Help!!
Excellent for bidding and play of the hand, but I wish it would pay more attention to my bids and signals when it leads.
14 Negative User Reviews for Bridge Baron: Improve & Play
Very repetitive
Serious deficiencies. It doesn’t show Dummy’s cards until second round of play. It doesn’t show all hands ever. There is no way to learn what happened. It never tells you which side is vulnerable. There is no way to reach the company to tell them this.
Bridge Baron used to be an excellent game. Since ownership changed, it has degenerated significantly. You cannot review the last score to compare with the “house” and often it gives the incorrect results. Fewer options for conventions. Too bad.
Since new version, I don’t get partial score, bonus points etc above the line. All scoring except partial score goes to total score. Some games reappear duplicated
You can’t continue a game in landscape mode and in portrait mode if you touch the outer edge with the gold border you lose the hand permanently. Too many bugs.
Choosing the type of deal to play does not work. I used to enjoy practicing No Trump, or choosing to play slam deal?
On my iPad. It does show on the iPhone. Help please.
Has issues in landscape mode on iPad, failing to display full hand in bidding scheme. First time I have had problems with what has hitherto been the best iPad bridge game
East West pair gets majority of biddable hands. Not worth playing.
The latest version has the bid box covering my cards, and touching the bottom of my iPad 4 screen closes the hand being played.
Again crashes with any attempt to open new game. I was sols Gold with the promise it would be kept up to date. Do not buy!
Once again, choosing “who has best hand” means absolutely NOTHING Once again, choosing what kind of games I want to play (no trump, game deals, slam - means absolutely NOTHING.
Once again, choosing “who has best hand” means absolutely NOTHING Once again, choosing what kind of games I want to play (no trump, game deals, slam - means absolutely NOTHING.
My iPad version crashes after finishing each game and I have to login again each time yet my iPhone version works. I’ve been trying to get help Ever since I upgraded but no answers from developer