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Cartographers App Reviews

Cartographers app recently received 28 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 4 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Cartographers app an average rating of 3.20 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 88 ratings since its release on Nov 23 by BrettspielWelt. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Cartographers?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 3.71 out of 5

88 global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

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28 Positive User Reviews for Cartographers

Very good game! In portrait mode!

It took me a bit to get used to the controls, but once I did, it’s very easy to play. I watched a walkthrough video online to get the gist of the strategy, and that helped. The game is strategic but relaxing. It’s the best roll and write type of game I’ve ever played. I like that a game only takes 5-10 minutes, perfect for on the go. And I appreciate the small file size and portrait orientation, as I don’t like holding my phone in landscape. Thank you developer for doing this game so well, an

Great game, buggy implementation

I love Cartographers and am happy to have a digital version. That said, the app is extremely buggy. It crashes constantly and the graphics periodically just disappear, which can only be remedied by restarting the app. Thankfully, the app automatically saves your game, so you can pick up where you left off, but it happens constantly, and it's annoying.

Needs work

Edited review after some playing. Went from 2 -> 3 stars. There’s no tutorial so you just have to figure out what you can press on screen (e.g., how to resume a saved game). Not a fan of the monsters. You will get 3-4 monster cards in every game.

Great app of a great game

I love the combination of spatial reasoning (placing tiles) and tempo (scoring rules that shift in known ways). The app is easy to use and fast to play. I love that several expansions are also available as add-ons. I don’t agree with the reviews that say the app has bad randomness. As far as I can tell, it works just like the physical game. I have played the physical and digital games extensively, and they match closely.

I love cartographers while playing with someone else

Can we please get a pass and play option?

Great game, some technical issues

Love this game, however I have seen some technical issues that are causing issues. I have purchased the hero’s expansion from within the app, but I am unable to restore the purchase from another device. The restore purchase button just doesn’t do anything.

Good game, App needs work

-Can’t resume previous games if you quit the app. - general bugs and touch detection - randomization seems to be an issue

Faithful adaptation of the board game

I love the board game and have all the map packs and mini-expansions. So I knew I had to get the app version. The app is very faithful to the game and I have spent hours and hours playing it. The only tiny thing I miss is that the flavor text included in the rules manual for each scoring card is absent in the app. I love reading about the world and miss those little details being in the game, but I also understand it is probably a pain to figure out a way to include something that isn’t needed.

Love this game

Huge fan of the board game, probably my favorite of all time. This app is awesome for bringing that to life in the palm of hand anywhere I go now (still better when playing with others but this scratches the itch). The game is great, the UI is amazing, and this just embodies all that is awesome about this game. I have one thing though, heroes don’t seem to count as a terrain type for some of the classic objectives. Could fix this by playing with the heroes only objectives but figured it should

Good implementation

It does a very good job of representing the physical game. I actually learned how to play the physical game by playing the app, for the most part. The only issue I have with the app right now is that ever since the last update it hasn’t been keeping track of games played, scores or achievement progress. It’s minor and doesn’t ruin the experience but I have lost several personal best high scores because of this issue.

Brilliant game, decent implementation

I was sad to find that this digital implementation doesn’t have pass and play or online games. Additionally a way to use the app as a simple board would be greatly appreciated. My review will jump to 5 stars if they add these features! Even if they simply make multiplayer based on a random seed (like the iOS version of On Tour!) I think the app would be greatly improved.

Add online multiplayer, then 5 stars

Also, there is a bug where I play on my iPad and the sounds are slowed and lower in pitch and it sounds like some spoopy Halloween soundtrack


one game started with a black screen there doesn’t seem to be a way to return to the main menu an option to speed up the ui animations would be appreciated

Great game

Great game. The one feature I’d love to see added is the ability to see other players’ end game states off the leaderboard. Every time I’m like “how did they score that high!?” So that would be an educational feature.

Great game, needs pass and play

Would really like to see multiplayer, at the least a pass and play and local games

Fun but room for improvement

Gameplay is great. Would be nice to have the multiplayer mode available though. One issue is that the labels and icons describing the fixed or random cards for a mode do not match.

Good, but solo only

I like the implementation of the game, but I am not as big on the solo scoring. I would like to see multiplayer. I also do not believe that someone could legitimately get a score of 130+ in the solo mode, so it skews the leaderboard.

Fun game; a bit buggy

This is a great solo game. I have had it freeze hard a few times, fully losing my game in progress. I suspect this will be fixed with updates. I'd love a synchronous head-to-head mode against friends.


This is a solid boardgame. We need more of them.

Can’t log on

This was working great, and then suddenly I was no longer logged in and cannot link my email - meaning that the challenges and leaderboard are gone.

Good game but a bug need to fix

It can’t save the game automatically, after I finished 10+ games, only one game is going to my score board. There is no clear way to exit the game when you finish, click menu? Or? I thought that might be why my game record did not update.

Solid but includes rules errors

Solid implementation, however two rules errors: Monster cards should be added randomly. It should not be goblins only in the first turn Also farmland costs 1, not 2 in the print version

Almost there

The gameplay itself works great but app is not very responsive and scoring is very slow. Wish there was a way to skip over the animations in each scoring round.

App is buggy

Tried to sign in with email and it doesn’t work. First update and my email still won’t work. “Unknown email address” LOL. I shouldn’t have to use a different email then the ones I use for the Clever apps etc.

4 Negative User Reviews for Cartographers

Software not all that

It would be great if the software worked better, but it needs more work before it is a descent app. I am returning it. 2 stars for the gameplay itself working fine.

Slow, clunky

A quick game like this shouldn’t drag. Feels like an old app

bare minimum

There is no in game menu to restart, no multiplayer pass and play, the game has bugs with map selection.

Player Registration is STILL broken!

It won't recognize my previously registered identity nor allow me to create a new one and I'm thus blocked from a lot of the game's promised content. I'll demand a refund if not updated in a timely manner.

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