CarX Drift Racing 2 App Reviews
The CarX Drift Racing 2 app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given CarX Drift Racing 2 app an average rating of 4.59 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 35.1K ratings since its release on Aug 24 by CarX Technologies. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about CarX Drift Racing 2?
35.1K global ratings
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45 Positive User Reviews for CarX Drift Racing 2
I have been playing this game for years and love it, it is a little more fun on pc with wheel but I still enjoy mobile.
Best drift game for the phone that is out can’t change my mind
Im just amazed by how good the graphics are, it’s prolly the only game I've seen on mobile that has attention to detail with the graphics, as-well as the car models, they are literally accurate.
Its a good game, but It’s been really slow lately, and since the last update it’s been closing before it even loads 100% in. It has been a week and a half and I can’t open my game.
the is cool and nice
The game all of a sudden has a bunch of ads that you can’t skip plus everything is just getting more and more expensive, and why are spec cars 14.99??? Can’t even get half of the new cars being added without buying premium event passes the is also littered with bugs like why can street signs get stuck inside of cars?? (It’s been happening for over a year and still hasn’t been fixed) not a bad game but it’s just getting more annoying to play with every update
Hello, fellow CarX Online player… Can you please add red rock to online rooms, I want to chill with other people like CarX online and it would honestly be great.Other than that, your game is good and I play it a lot.
Muy bueno el juego
This is a really good game tbh, but I have to turn graphics and stuff all the way down in order to play easily, which I can deal with. It doesn’t crash at all unlike CarX Street which I have pretty much 5 frames per second 💀. But yeah, really good game. (Btw the ads for the video chest aren’t working so please fix that as soon as you can I really want those engines 🫠)
This game is just like a irl game with multiple upgrade options tuning painting/livery’s. But the problem I have is the fuel. Tbh I really think the fuel should be taken out of the game. But I looooove this game
Multiplayer isn’t multiplayer.. you only race against AI that set a score of 8,000 or more. It would be nice to actually race against another person. Aside from that it’s pretty good.
As bad as I wanted to write a good review I can’t. The game has fake opponents controlling your car while you’re playing. Something like a hack. I also do tricks and it doesn’t give me scores for it.
I have had so much fun playing this game. It is so realistic for being a mobile game about as good as normal drifting games on Consol.
It’s a pretty cool game normally I play drift racing online but this is fun when I’m not at my pc
Can you add a honda s2000 please?
咋了 就我闪退吗?我ios12 为啥打不开游戏了
I’ve had this game for a while now and I’m enjoying it every time. Its not buggy at all and has a bunch of great content. I don’t spend money on games but I’ve spent a good amount here and I’m not complaining. It’s also a great time killer. I highly recommend it to new users.
Mind blowing y’all don’t got a BRZ tho😭
Y’all need forwellers in this game.
я всегда думал что донатить это пезполезная трата денег но если в этой игре выйдет машина TAYOTA 86 GT моё мнения изменится❤️
Tienes q arreglar eso porque cuando quiero ver los mensajes recientes de los mensajes del club no aparecen o cuando escribo no veo q nadie escribe ( ósea q la conversación como tal de la semana no aparece , si pueden arreglar eso se lo agradecería lo demás esta bien )
Bust over these graphics
Здравствуйте уважаемые CarX я люблю играть в вашу игру но в последнии дни у меня частенько вылетает я попробую переустановить но устранить эту ошибку телефон который я пользуюсь айфон 6с
Please who ever can take the gas thing out the game .. like I wanna be able to play the game again and again .. where I don’t be having to be waiting cuz it’s beeen so close to getting something and then .. my gas runs out . But other than that .. amazing game ..
This is a amazing game you won’t find a better drift game for mobile.that being said there is some room for improvement still like car sounds I think maybe the blow off valve could be alittle louder.I think you guys also changed the sound of my car the glorious xz it sounds terrible now if you guys can I’d love if you change it back also 🤙🏻
U really like CarX drift racing 2 the grafics are awesome I highly recommend this game.But I waist it was easier to get money in this game.
Totally love it it has the best graphics but there is one thing make online not only for tandems pls Car X that’s my only complaint
Please add a s2000 it will be a better game
I love this game, it is really awesome and addicting, but i don’t like the fuel tanks it makes people delete the game in my opinion. If you could remove the tanks alot of people would atart playing this awesome game!
I love this game so much i got it on my console, but my main question is when is the u.s gonna get car x street i want it so bad :(
Real easy to play but need to fix track it’s on repeat
Компания говно
Its been one of my favorite games but recently the game has been crashing to much lately and literally basically stealing my gas for online races or campaign on my Iphone 12 idk what the reason might be maybe a fix??
Please back a HUMMEL ……please!
I love this games it’s really fun it took me awhile to learn how to drift once you do and Lear how to tune a car the games gets way better I just with there was a Tokyo or some type of Japanese map please and Thank you.
Good game but make the gas tank infinity
My 2 year old son and I play this game every day sometimes I have to hide it from him . But I wish I could sell some of my cars that I’m not using
Why does Say you have to be 13 to play While the age says 4+?
so im trying to update and im not sure if it’s a problem with my phone or the app store or what but i can’t update to play it anymore, any tips
Best drift game I have played
Great game but question will u guys be adding rain
I feel like there needs to be a 360 button. Also it’s very hard to find where the achievements are.
Yes. I just said any platform. This game is on everything from pc all the way to mobile and console, and it’s the best drifting game across all platforms
The drifting physics are very impressive,the graphics look good and the game performs well. The Best drifting game on the App Store for sure.
This game is really good and I would definitely recommend this.