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CarX Street App Reviews

The CarX Street app recently received 22 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given CarX Street app an average rating of 4.60 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 103.4K ratings since its release on Oct 24 by CarX Technologies. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about CarX Street?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.36 out of 5

103.4K global ratings

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22 Positive User Reviews for CarX Street


We you to put it that we can make more gold




The game is fun but my account got blocked for no reason so that’s why I’m giving a low rating

Add more cars and different places to drift in the mountains

Overall the game is fun to play but it gets boring for awhile doing the same course and also the time limit you’ll have to wait for the career courses to g

my review and suggestions

it’s an amazing game, but i have a suggestion, y’all should add cops and speed limits and y’all should make it where you can get in and out of your cars also , y’all should make it where if you go over the speed limit or do something wrong the cops will chase you an you can run from them or you go to jail think that would be pretty cool and would definitely make the game 10x better

Lovely game

Has great potential , a bit laggy in the map rendering but I feel like it could be way better with newer updates

Add more cars

The game is great, but we need more cars and also let us have all the cars that we want, not only 46


Support de backbone plz and thank you

Why can't I get into the game?

It was okay the other day.


Dear carx street developer, I'm a player from China. I hope you can develop a knockout king mode similar to the computer game Horizon 5 later. Thank you. Уважаемый уличный разработчик carx, я игрок из Китая. Надеюсь, позже вы сможете разработать режим нокаут-короля, похожий на компьютерную игру Horizon 5. Спасибо.


Honestly this game is the greatest mobile car game I’ve ever played the only thing it needs is vinyl customization and maybe making grinding cash easier by adding more races with ai or something so we can get more cash clubs is really not enough especially with all those requirement which is difficult

the npcs

it’s a good game but the npcs drive like the gta 5 npcs

A Light Bug

the game is great and all but i'm not sure if its my device only. Once i load into the game the whole map becomes glitchy the lighting is too bright the game is just turning white then back to normal constantly no matter how much times i adjust the graphic settings it still is the same and i have no idea how to fix such bug.

Multiplayer gui

Y’all should add a multiplayer gui where you can join your friends


I would be better if u could connect ps4 controllers



Too many bugs

I wanna first start out by saying that I truly do love this game however with all the bugs I have encountered it makes the game near unplayable for long periods of time without lagging or freezing the game certain part of the map just kick you out the entire game causing racers to start all over again this is a consistent issue especially in the single player races and multiplayer cruise,I was very excited wen the game released but now I’m disappointed.

Add cops plz dev read

Sorry for another review ive seen cop cars parked in parking lot hope for the devs to add it soon.

Controller support

Would be a lot better if controller supported

Mui buen juego

Me gusto mucho. El juego esta muy bien hecho. Creo que pueden mejorar el sonido, agregar mas misiones secundarias. Y tal vez una historia del juego. El dinero es muy difícil de conseguir no se si es porque estoy en un nivel muy bajo pero cada vez que le hago una mejora el nivel de las carreras sube y tengo que gastar dinero ( que es difícil de conseguir) para llegar a los requisitos mínimos para poder hacer la carrera. Apart from that I love the game. Shot out to y’all and the workers. Y’all are

nice game fr

good car game with open world that actually has races and was like a console game but on mobile finally its out, i put my phone to russia just to play dis


Es buen juego seria como un forza 5 para móvil