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Chess-Studio App Reviews

Chess-Studio app recently received 9 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Chess-Studio app an average rating of 4.67 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 75 ratings since its release on Mar 24 by Giordano Vicoli. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Chess-Studio?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 5.00 out of 5

75 global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Chess-Studio app: Spain, Italy.

9 Positive User Reviews for Chess-Studio

Exactly what I was looking for!

This was exactly what I was looking for! On my laptop, I use Scid vs. PC and I’m glad to say on my phone I use this app. Thank you very much for creating this. (:

Excellent chess app

Chess Studio is an excellent app as others have stated. The developer is constantly updating and refining the app. I highly recommend it.


Wow, the functionality of this app for chess analysis and database maintenance/merging is the best I have ever seen… and it’s right on my phone. So cool! Thank you.

Frequently updated

This app is frequently updated and developed by someone that is passionate about chess. Purchasing this app is a worthy investment! Thank you.

A must for every chess player who owns an iPad

Very useful app. Just what I was looking for. Best database management tool for keeping track of games. Awesome! Thanks!

If you only get one chess app make it this one.

This chess app is phenomenal!!!! 10 STARS!!!! The author of this app has included things I have wished for in from different apps and chess software programs from the “big boys.” He could charge ten times as much and knowing what I know now I would gladly pay every penny of it. The author of this program is simply a genius. I can’t give it high enough praises and accolades. You can edit, down load PGN’s, transfer PGN’s, annotate, and much more. Get the trial version if you want first to see it.

Great App With Tons of Potential

This app is amazing. It runs very smooth and has a good GUI for analyzing your games. I would recommend adding a few features. Namely adding a computer whole game analysis which annotates your games for you, telling you which moves are blunders, mistakes and so on. Also add coloring moves based on annotation. And add drawing arrows which are saved when you save.

Crash opening .pgn in landscape mode.

Crash opening .pgn in landscape mode (iPad 6th gen., IOS 13.7).

Rivals chess databases on a PC

I find it even more convenient than Chessbase on a PC. It has everything you need to study and analyze games. Also, it’s constantly improving.

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