Clash of Clans App Reviews
The Clash of Clans app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Clash of Clans app an average rating of 4.75 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 2.5M ratings since its release on Sep 24 by Supercell. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Clash of Clans?
2.5M global ratings
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45 Positive User Reviews for Clash of Clans
Great game now I am good at getting hamburger
Dhdhd Russo final pep pro pro padlock let’s pew pew
Ur capital hall music bops
It’s a copy of castle clash the deploying part stolen from castle clash the base/home part stolen from castle clash they might not hav stolen it from castle clash but it’s so similar that it’s almost a copy
Love the game play
Hi im having troable getting my old acount i dnt know what happened with it and i cant get it trow supper cell pls help
I think clash of clans is a really great strategy game for almost all ages is long as you’re willing to put in some hard work it is very fun you can play with your friends and many other things and also it is a completely free game and I would suggest anybody
San Diego Stand Up!!
I rate it a 4/5 because it’s a fun and strategic game that requires thinking. Although I feel as if you are overwhelmed with many options which makes it difficult I still find it fun.
I’m just here for the food
It’s like chicken
Nightwitch spam, nightwitch spam, nightwitch spam, giants and cannon carts, giants and cannon carts, giants and cannons carts.
Clash of clans and hay day is the best game ever my dream is to become a good farmer one day so but in order to do that I got to be able to build I love I so much ty for making it for us
Clash Royale could never. Phishing is bad though
Been playing since the game came out just always lose my account but it all fun to start over !
So I deleted my account trying to start a new one but every time i try to start the game it says account disabled and it’s bein that way for months
Terrible with town hall levels so tired of losing and waisting trophies just because there a higher town hall and I can’t get enough percentage because of it so done with the night village
I’ve been playing Clash for years and if definitely suggest it any person who is thinking about playing.
یادش بخیر روزها و شبهایی که شما گروهی به یک گروه دیگر حمله میکردید و من شاهد و ناظر کیف کردنها و ناراحت شدنهای شما بودم. بادش بخیر تنهایی بازی کردنهای خودم. I love Clash of Clans. Thanks a lot for this great idea and I’m really looking something to do
This game is ehh but they add new updates to fast like i had a town hall 12 and i was like im so close to finishing the game and then the next day they added all the th15 stuff and i was a little mad but its still a great game and it takes time and effort ive thought bout giving up bc ive been playing for 3 years amd only have a th12 but my younger brother started to play it and I started to play it with him
Can you guys try to remodel the hero skins because they look like they got lazy eyes
Even doe theres enough events wars we need less waiting time on everything just reduce it by 1 day thank you 🙏
It worries me someone’s gonna raid my base
Please change the old icon back the new one looks so trash
We all got a new issue while opening the game it stucks in Dawnloading content hope the team will fix this . Thank you !
لماذا اللعبة لا تفتح لدي
I have been playing this game since this was released and have been a loyal clasher ever since, I just feel like those who have been playing for the longest should get rewarded with something maybe like a statue. Maybe Something that signifies that we’re OG/loyal clashers anyway I hope you take my idea into consideration that would really mean a lot to all of us who have always been actively playing clash.
This is game is pretty good I been playing it for years and you make progress you could see
Supercell has done a great job with making the game easier to progress, and at the moment all upgrades are 50% cheaper. Could we see this event come back semi regularly please? Amazing game been playing for a decade
It’s a fun game but time consuming good game.
Ngl pretty good I guess
It’s fun and addicting I have had zero problems or adds so it’s a lot of fun
You can only retrieve your game account progress one time. I was an Android user and I lost my account. Bought a new phone after lost account and successfully retrieved. I phone XS Max came out everywhere changed phones this time I went with iPhone and now banned from phyzing attempt banned. Otherwise I would give it Five stars.
I would rate this game higher but there’s this small thing that annoys me and it’s when I get a notification saying “your army is ready for battle!” Only to check that my troops are still training. Please fix this I’m sure I can speak for a lot of people
My real rating would be 3.5 because buying gems is too expensive while upgrading high town halls start to take days to finish upgrading
I deleted one of my accounts and the program won't allow me to log in for 14 days while I have another account. Does anyone have a solution?!
1)Улучшить качество изображения 2)сделайте так чтобы базу можно было смотреть с первого лица типо человек который входит в базу и видит расстановку базы это будет круто оценит любой , даже за деньги людям эта идея понравиться Если возможно чтобы можно было говорить с героями печатая им
I have played this game and others made by you guys and girls but now you guys are going down hill to the same level of those fake games and adds just plz plz don’t go any further down but what you guys do in the Clash of Clans community is awesome but don’t you dare go any further down…………… that is all hopefully you guys will let us users help you spread the word about clash of clans and that this game never dies
Bit I play this game for like 24h on google
I love the game it’s extremely fun and addictive but the upgrade times and wall prices are kind of ridiculous currently at a Th 13 and it takes for ever to upgrade anything. Would it be possible to add some common sense to the troops as well?
العبه كلش حلوه وانصح بيها للصغار الفارغين👍👍👍👍
I have had this game for 8 years now and love this game it’s been on and off but I still love this game, if there is one thing I want them to add is to have multiple builders able to work on something at once so that one thing can be done faster so yea
This is the best app I have ever played. My favorite update was the free training. I have been playing this for almost two years and I’m Town Hall Level 9, my clan has won several wars, and our clan has 9 members. This is overall an perfect strategy game.
It ain’t letting me download clash of clans
Ive played clash of clans for 5 years and they get better and better,Keep making us happy!